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NUTT. NUTT. 445 each time elected speaker unanimously. He is one of the most popular platform orators in the State, and in 1865 delivered the eulogy on Abraham Lincoln at Haver- hill. He is an active member of the Masonic fraternity ; past master of Adelphi Lodge, and past commander of St. Oiner Com- mandery of Knights Templar. He has taken all the Scottish rites up to the thirty- second degree, and is a member of the Lafay- ette Lodge of Perfection, of the Giles F. Yates Council of Princes of Jerusalem, the Mount Olivet Chapter of Rose Croix, and of the Massachusetts Consistory. He is also connected with the order of Odd Fellows, having passed all the chairs of the lodge and encampment ; is past grand and past chief patriarch, and has served one year on the grand board of the grand encampment of Massachusetts Independ- ent Order of Odd Fellows. On the 9th of March, 1S64, at Provi- dence, R. I., Mr. Noyes was married to Emily, daughter of Colonel Jacob C. and Fannie C. Wells, of Cincinnati, O , and has three children : Fannie C, Harry R., and Grace L. Noyes. NUTT, WILLIAM, son of Isaac B. and Sally (Monroe) Nutt, was born in Tops- ham, Orange county, Vermont, August 5, 1836. He received a common school education in the district schools of his native town, where he worked as a farm laborer 1849, '50 and '51 ; was in a private school and engaged in shoe-making in Natick, Mass., 1852 to '61, except one year spent in the West, 1857. At the opening of the war, he was cor- poral of militia. He enlisted in May, 1861, company I, 2d regiment, Massachusetts volunteers ; was corporal and sergeant ; in 1862, March 5, was appointed 2d lieutenant in 54th regiment ; May, 1863, received a commission as 1st lieutenant in 54th, and afterwards captain in 55th regiment ; Nov- ember, 1864, major ; June, 1865, lieutenant- colonel, and was brevet -colonel at the close of the war. After the war he studied law in the office of W. N. Mason, and was admitted to the bar in Middlesex county, August, 1868. He has been in continuous practice since, except during a few years in which he served as deputy sheriff. Mr. Nutt was married in Framingham, April 25, 1863, to Abigail P., daughter of Josiah and Patience (Russell) Puffer. Of this union were nine children, seven of whom are living : William H., Charles, George, Henry, Nellie A., Julia M., and Matilda E. Nutt. Col. Nutt was representative to the Gen- eral Court 1871 and '72; tax collector 1869, '70 and '71 ; chairman of the board of selectmen 1874, '76 and '81 ; chairman of overseers of the poor 1874 and '76. He has a local reputation as moderator of town meetings, a position he has many times filled. He was agent of the Freedmen's Bureau in Virginia in 1868, and United States commissioner, Virginia, at the same time; was appointed a justice of the peace in Massachusetts 1867, and has ever since held like commissions, and that of notary public since 1874. He was on the school board for a short time i872-'73. He is a JfW ^* WILLIAM MUTT. director in the Natick Five Cents Savings Bank, and has been on the board of invest- ment eighteen years ; was appointed trial justice in 1S86 and re-appointed in 1889.