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34 BALDWIN. BALL. Boston Memorial Association, and of the Bostonian Society. He was one of the founders of the Unitarian Club, and a member of its council the first seven years; he has always taken a deep interest in the work of the Sunday-school ; was for sev- eral years president of the Unitarian Sun- day-school Society, and for twenty-five years superintendent of the Sunday-schools connected with the Church of the Unity and the Church of the Disciples, Boston. Mr. Baldwin has always taken a lively interest in the political welfare of his city, state and nation, from a sense of religious duty, without being able to give that WILLIAM H. BALDWIN. amount of time which would have been required to fulfill the duties connected with public official positions. He has always been a strong advocate of our pub- lic schools, and for several years served as member of the Boston school board. Dur- ing the civil war he was a member of the war relief committee of the old ward eleven, Boston, which rendered important service to the families of those who were engaged at the front in the defense of the Union. .Mr. Baldwin was married in Boston, June 17, 185 1, to Mary Frances Augusta, daughter of Jonathan and Nancy (Aldrich) Chaffee of Boston. Of this union were nine children : Mary Chaffee, Maria Jose- phine, Harry Heath, Frank Fenno, Fanny Aldrich, William Henry, George Storer, Robert Collyer, and Richard Brackett Baldwin. BALL, PHINEHAS, son of Manassah S. and Clarissa (Andrews) Ball, was born in Boylston, Worcester county, January 18, 1824. The common schools of his native town, with a short attendance at Berlin Academy, gave him his educational training up to 1840, when he learned from an uncle the rudiments of surveying, which was the starting point of his after education in civil engineering. His later education has been obtained in the field, in actual con- tact with the practical work, and by per- sonal private study of various works on engineering, mostly relating to water-works and sewers. He began his business life by associat- ing himself with Elbridge Boyden, archi- tect, Worcester, under the firm name of Boyden & Ball, architects and civil engineers. This partnership continued until i860. Since that date he has carried on the business of civil engineering in the city of Worcester, doing general work up to 1865, but after that time engaged al- most wholly by the city until 1872. Since the latter date he has been engaged a large part of the time in the construction of water-works, and consulting on plans of water-works and sewers for towns and cities, chiefly in the State of Massachu- setts. He has also the management and direction of the Union Water Meter Com- pany. Mr. Ball married, in Marlborough, 1 )e- cember 21, 1848, Sarah Augusta, daugh- ter of William and Rebecca (Howe) Holy- oke. Of this union were two children : Allard Holyoke (deceased), and Helen Augusta Ball. His second marriage oc- curred November 29, 1865, in Lancaster, with Mary Jane, daughter of Benj. B. and Mary (Carter) Otis. Mr. Ball was a member of the common council, Worcester, 1862-63 ; mayor of Worcester, 1865 ; water commissioner from 1863 to 1867 ; and city engineer from 1867 to 1872. He was clerk of the Worcester County Mechanics' Association from 1857 to 1865, ami treasurer seven years during the time, and was afterwards director, vice-president and president of the association for short terms; was for seventeen years one of the vice-presidents of the Mechanics' Savings Bank, and for seven years the president of