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READE. READE. 505 sical school, and afterward at VVestford Academy He chose farming for a calling, and has made no change since. Mr. Read was married in Westford, Jan- uary 13, 1857, to Mary Eleanor, daughter of Daniel and Mary Ann (Beebe) Falls. Of this union were six children : M. Alice, Carrie E., Nelie A., Abbie M., Henry B. and Florence H. Read. + <X -*1fc^ charge of one of the departments in the woolen mill : remained there nearly twenty years, being engaged in the boot and shoe business, and also in the real estate busi- ness, accumulating considerable wealth, the largest portion of which was spent in organizing companies for the war. He removed to Charlestown in 1868, where he still resides, his business being a dealer in real estate, auctioneer, undertaker, and stable-keeper. In 1851 Mr. Reade was married, in Lei- cester, to Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Riley) Hogan. Of this union are three children now living : Vincent de Paul, George E , and Nellie T. Reade. Mr. Reade has been a member of the Democratic ward and city committee for many years ; also a member of the Chari- table Irish Society, and Montgomery Light Guards ; president of the local lodge of J. HENRY READ He has held the various town offices, as selectman, overseer of the poor, school committee, auditor, etc. He has been a director in the Stony Brook R. R. since 1873, and a director and secretary of the "Westford Mutual Fire Insurance Company since 1876. He was a representative to the General Court in i872-'3, and has been commis- sioner of Middlesex county, since January, 1S76. His residence is Westford. READE, JOHN, son of Patrick and Mary (O'Neil) Reade, was born in Kil- kenny, Ireland, December 1, 1825. Coming to this country at an early age, he obtained the advantages of a common school education. In 1846 he entered the woolen mill at YV'aterford, Conn., as a spin- ner, remaining there a year and a half. He then went to Milford in 1848, and took JOHN READE. the Land League ; treasurer of the Ancient Order of Hibernians ; colonel of Thomas Francis Meagher Post 3, Veteran Union, and has been a member of Post 1 1, G. A. R., for twenty years. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 1880, and was re-elected the two succeeding years, 1881-82. In 1861 he organized, at his own ex- pense, a company of the 48th Massachu-