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53 4 STORER. STOW ELL. received the appointment of justice of the police court of Lawrence. He is past commander of Post 39, G. A. R., and was judge advocate on the staff of the commander of the department of Mas- sachusetts for 18SS. He is an active member of the order of F. & A M., is a past master of Phoe- nician Lodge, and is now senior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of Massachu- setts. He was married at Ashtabula, O., Janu- ary 19, 1869, to Mary F., daughter of Joseph D. and Lucinda (Hall) Hulbert, of that place. STORER, David Humphreys, son of Hon. Woodbury and Margaret (Boyd) Storer, was born in Portland, Cumberland county, Me., March 26, 1804. He was graduated from Bowdoin College in the class of 1822, and from his alma mater he received the honorary degree of LL. D. in 1876. Choosing the medical profession, soon after his graduation, he entered the Har- vard medical school, from which he was graduated in 1825. Settling in Boston, he soon acquired an honorable position in the ranks of the medical fraternity, together with an exten- sive and lucrative practice. He is to-day the oldest physician in Boston. From 1839 to '58 Dr. Storer filled the chair of obstetrics and medical jurispru- dence in the Harvard medical school, and for nine years of that period — from 1X49 to '58 — served as physician to the Massa- chusetts General Hospital. Dr. Storer is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Ameri- can Philosophic Society, the Massachusetts Medical Society, the Boston Society for Medical Improvement, and the Boston Society of Natural History. He is also a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and is an honorary member of the New York and Rhode Island State Medical societies. Dr. Storer has frequently delivered lectures and addresses on various scientific subjects, in which he has incorporated his own researches and discoveries, as well as those of previous and contemporaneous scientists. His fame as a scientist rests mainly on the important additions he has made to the department of ichthyology. In his " Report on the Fishes of Massa- chusetts," published in 1839, and in the "Memoirs of the American Academy," published in 1855-60, and also in his " Synopsis of the Fishes of North America," he follows the arrangement of Cuvier. These works are of great value to the student of North American ichthyology. His latest publication (1867) is a quarto of 287 pages, with 174 illustrations, descrip- tive of the " Fishes of Massachusetts," and contains all the additions made to ichthyo- logic knowledge since the date of the re- port on the same subject in 1839. Dr. Storer was married in Roxburv, April 30, 1S29, to Abbie J., daughter of Thomas and Abigail (Stone) Brewer. Of this union were five children : Horatio Robinson, Francis Humphreys, Abby Ma- tilda, Mary Goddard, and Robert Wood- bury Storer. STOWELL, Sidney Sherwood, sec- ond son of Austin and Hyla Cleopatra (Watkins) Stowell, was born in Peru, Berk- shire county, July 12, 1858, his ancestors being the founders of the town. His early education was obtained in the " little old red school-house," where his SIDNEY S STOWELL. father and grandfather were educated. He very early evinced a love for mechanics and manipulation of tools, and his grand- father being a carpenter, he had free access to tools and their use, which to him were mental food and recreation. At the age of fourteen he attended a select school in Middlefield.