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<J34 WARREN. WASHBURN. "Alumni Record " of his alma mater. In his earlier years he published miscellane- ous translations from the Spanish, German, Dutch, and Latin languages. The last twenty-two years he has annually published one or more educational reports in which the living issues of the day are more or less fully discussed. WILLIAM F. WARREN In the successive volumes of the " Hus- ton University Year Book" he has also printed not a few educational, scientific, and professional essays. At the same time In- has contributed annually more or less freely to the scholarly periodical press. Si nf his publications were written and printed in the German language ; of these the mure important were: " Anfangsgrnende der Lo^ik" (1863); " Einlcitung in die systematische Theologie" (1865); and "Ver- such einer iu-ucn encyklopaedischen Einrich- tung und Darstellung der theologischen Wis- senschaften " (1S67). The following are some of his essays and addresses with the year of their issue; " De Reprobatione" (1S67) ; "Systems of Ministerial Education" (1872); "The Christian Consciousness" ^872) ; "Ameri- can Infidelity" (1874) ; "The Taxation of Colleges, Churches, and Hospitals. Tax- exemption the Road to Tax Abolition " (tS76); "The Gateways to the Learned Professions "(1877) ; "Review of Twenty Arguments employed in Opposition to the Opening of the Boston Latin School to Girls" (1877) ; "The Liberation of Learn- ing in England" (1878) ; "Joint and Dis- joint Education in the Public Schools " (1879); "Hopeful Symptoms in Medical Education " (1880) ; " New England The- ology " (18S1); "True Key to Ancient Cos- mology and Mythical Geography" (1882); "Homer's Abode of the Dead " (1883) ; " All Roads lead to Thule " (18S6) ; " The Quest of the Perfect Religion" (18S7) ; "The True Celebration of the Four-hun- dredth Anniversary of the Discovery of America by Columbus " (1S88) ; " The Cry of the Soul. A Baccalaureate Address " (1888) ; "The Gates of Sunrise in Baby- lonian and Egyptian Mythology" (1889). In 1885 he published an elaborate study of the pre-historic world, entitled " Para- dise Found. The Cradle of the Human Race at the North Pole." This work quickly reached the eighth edition. A smaller book entitled " In the Footsteps of Arminius — A Delightsome Pilgrimage" was issued in 1888. President Warren married Harriet M., daughter of John M. and Mary J. Merrick, April 14, [861. Their children are four: Mary Christine, William Marshall, Annie Merrick, and Winifred Warren. WASHBURN, John Davis, was bom in Boston, March 27, 1833, being the eld- est son of John Marshall Washburn, who married, in 1832, Hariiet Webster, daughter of Rev. Daniel Kimball (Harvard, 1800). His parents moved to the town of Lan- caster, in Worcester county, when he was five years of age. At the age of twenty he was graduated from Harvard Univer- sity in the class of 1853, and entered the profession of law, studying first with Hon. Emory Washburn and George F. Hoar in 1854, and later receiving a diploma from the Harvard law school in 1856. He practiced law in Worcester in part- nership with Hon. H. C. Rice, taking a prominent place, first as an insurance attor- ney, and lastly succeeding the late Hon. Alexander H. Bullock as general agent and attorney of the insurance companies (1S66). From 1866 to '69 he was Gov- ernor Bullock's chief-of-staff, with the rank of colonel. From 1871 to '81 he was trustee of the Worcester lunatic hospital, and from 1875 to '85 filled the same rela- tion to the Massachusetts school for the feeble-minded. He was a member of the House of Rep- resentatives from 1876 to '79, and state