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WINSOR. WINTHROP. 665 ability with which he had conducted vari- ous scientific investigations." Through Dr. Winslow's efforts, various objects of great interest and value have been presented to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, notably the colossal statue of Rameses 11., the Pharaoh of the Oppression, anil the head of Hatlior, the Egyptian Ve- nus. Dr. Winslow's services in research have been so valuable, that he has been declared by archaeologists to have done more than any man, save Sir Erasmus Wilson, to advance the cause of explora- tion. King's College conferred upon him the degree of D. C. L., and the Royal Archaeological Institute elected him its only honorary fellow in this country. The German Government presented him with the costly volumes of the great " Book of the Dead," and in 1SS6 the University of Leyden invited him to contribute an article to the Splendid album, commemorating the semi-centenary of Dr. Leeman's directoi ship of the museum, lie is a fellow of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, of Edin- burgh; honorary correspondent of the Phil- osophical Society of Great Britain; corre- sponding member of the Society of Natural History, Canada, besides being honorary or corporate member ot other historical and antiquarian bodies of England and the United States. His alma mater conferred upon him the honorary degree of Ph. I> ; Griswold College, Iowa, and Amherst Col- lege both conferred the degree I). I >. In- deed, few Americans are connected with as many learned foreign societies, or have received as many honorary titles. Savants and universities have repeatedly recognized his services and literary labors. Dr. Winslow paternally descended from the Pilgrims, and is a lineal descendant on the maternal side from Dr. Colman, first pastor of Brattle Street church, Koston, and Joseph Pemberton, from whom Pem- berton Square derived its name. He was married in Boston, June 20, 1867, to Har- riet S., daughter of Joseph Hayward, and niece of the eminent surgeon. Dr. George Hayward. He has one child : Mary Whit- ney Winslow, born November i.|, 1873. WINSOR, JUSTIN, son of Nathaniel and Ann T. II. Winsor, was born in Bos- ton, January 2, iS 51. His early educational training was re- ceived at the Boston Latin school, where he fitted for Harvard College, class of 1853, and subsequently studied in Paris and in Heidelberg, Germany. In 1868 he became superintendent of the Boston public library, where he remained until 1877. He is now librarian of Harvard College, which posi- tion he has held since 1877. From 1876 to '86 he was president of the American Library Association ; has been president of the American Historical Association, and is now corresponding sec- retary of the Massachusetts Historical So- ciety. In 1886 he received the degree of L.L. D. from the University of Michigan. Mr. Winsor is a voluminous writer ; his ad- dresses and magazine articles are chiefly on subjects connected with American history. He has written " History of Duxbury " (1849); "Songs of the Unity" (1858), in editing which he co-operated with the Rev. George H. Hepworth ; "Bibliography of the Original Quartos and Polios of Shake- speare " (1876) ; " Reader's Hand-Book of the American Revolution, 1761 to 1783," published in [S79 ; "Was Shakespeare Shapleigh ? A Correspondence in Two En- tanglements" (1886); several pamphlets, among which are "Governor Bradford's Manuscript History of Plymouth Plan- tation," "Arnold's Expedition against Quebec, 1 7 75— '76," "The Manuscript Sources of American History," and " Notes on the Spurious Letters of Montcalm." He edited the "Memorial History of Bos- ton " (t88o-'S2); "Narrative and Criti- cal History of America" (1883 -'89) ; "Harvard University Bulletin" (since 1S77), and "Library of Harvard Univer- sity ; " " Bibliographical Contributions," beginning the latter work in 1 S 7 7 . To these he has contributed " Shakespeare's Poems," " Pietas et Gratulatio : Inquiry in- to the Authorship of the Several Pieces," " Halliwelliana," " Bibliography of Ptol- emy's Geography," "The Kohl Collection of Early Maps," and a " Calendar of the Sparks Manuscripts in Harvard College Li- brary." He also edited the "Record of the 250th Anniversary of the Founding of Harvard College" (1887). Mr. Winsor was married in 1855 to Caro- line T., daughter of Ebenezer and Sally Fuller Barker. He has one daughter. WINTHROP, Robert Charles, son of Thomas Lindall and Elizabeth Bowdoin (Temple) Winthrop, was born in Boston, May 12, 1809. His father was lieutenant-governor of Massachusetts for seven years, and a lineal descendant of Governor John Winthrop, who was born near Groton, England, in 15S7, was chosen governor of the Massa- chusetts Company in 1629, and brought over the colony charter in the following year. Next to the first governor in the line of his ancestors stands the name of