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698 ROSTER OF THE COMMONWEALTH. Clerk SuperiorCourt (Civil Session), J. A. WlLLARD, . . . Boston. Clerk Superior Court (Criminal Session) J. P. Manning Boston. County Treasurer, A. T. Turner, .... Boston. County Auditor, . J. H. Dodge, .... Boston. Register of Deeds, Thos. F. Temple, . . Boston. Com'sof Insolvency, M. J. Creed, .... Boston. W. B. F. Whall, . . . Boston. F. P. Magee, .... Boston. Masters in Chancery, D. H. Coolidge, . . . Boston. H. W. Bragg, .... Boston. J. C. Davis Boston. H. H. Smith, . . Hyde Park. R. I. Burbank, . . . Boston. J. H. Sherburne, . . Boston. E. J. Jones, Boston. E. H. Darling, . . . Boston. G. P. Sanger, Jr., . . Boston. C. E. Grinnell, . . . Boston. In the city of Boston t he Board of Aldermen have all the powers and duties of County Commissioners, except in relation to trials by jury and recovery of damages in such trials, in cases of laying out and discontinuing highways, and appeals from assessors for abate- ment of taxes. WORCESTER COUNTY, Incorporated 1731 . Shire Tozu/is, Worcester and Fitchburg. Judge of Probate and Insolvency, W. T. Forbes, . . Register of Probate and Insolvency, F. W. Southwick Sheriff, .... Sam'L D. Nye, . Clerk of Courts, . T. S. Johnson, . County Treasurer, E. A. Brown, Registers of Deeds, Worcester Dist., H. B. Wilder, . C. F. Rockwood, Chas. J. Rice, . H. G. Taft, . . E. Stone, . . . Howard M. Lane, G. W. Cook, . .- Com'sof Insolvency, R. B. Dodge, Jr., Northern Dist., County Corn's, Special Corn's, A. J. Bartholomew, Southbridge J. B. Scott, Masters in Chancery, Jos. Mason, . Jonathan Smith, G. M. Woodward, J. H. Hill, . E. P. Pierce, C. R. Johnson, Trial Justices, . C. H. Follansby G. S. Duell, C. W. Carter, H. Mayo, . . Luther Hill, H. W. Bush, . F. B. Spalter, J. W. Tyler, H. A. Farwell, S. Bothwell, . Westborough. Worcester. . Worcester. . Worcester. . Worcester. . Worcester. . Fitchburg. Winchendon. . Uxbridge. Spencer. Leominster. . . Barre. . Charlton. Grafton. . Worcester. Clinton. . Worcester. . Worcester. . Fitchburg. . Worcester. . . Barre. . Brookfield. Leominster. Leominster. Spencer. W. Brookfield. Winchendon. Warren. Hubbardston. No. Brookfield. COLLEGES IN MASSACHUSETTS. AMHERST— Amherst. President, Julius H. Seelye. BOSTON COLLEGE— Boston. President Rob't Fulton. BOSTON UNIVERSITY— Post on. President, ..... Wm. F. Warren. CLARA' UNIVERSITY— Worcester. President G. Stanley Hall. COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS— Worcester President, Sam'L Cahill. HARVARD UNIVERSITY— Cambridge. President, Chas. W. Eliot. MASS. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE— Amherst. President, Henry II. Goodell. SMITH COLLEGE— Northampton. President, L. Clark Seelye. TUFTS COLLEGE— Somerville. President, Elmer H. Capen. WELLESLE 3 ' COLLEGE— II 'ellesley. President, Helen A. Schafer. WILLIAMS COLLEGE— Wiliiamstown. President, Franklin Carter. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA. commander-in-chief. His Excellency . . . J. Q. A. Brackett. Staff. Adjutant-General, . . Maj.-Gen. Samuel Daltdn. Surgeon-General, . . Brig. -Gen. Alfred F. Holt. Judge Advocate-General, Brig.-Gen. E. O. ShepaRD. Aides-de-Camp. Col. Wm. P. Stoddard, Col. S. M. Hedges, Col. S. E. Winslow, Col. E. V. Mrrcm li Inspector-General (Rifle Practice), .... Col. H. T. Rockwell. Assistant Inspector-Generals. Col. E. E. Currier, Col. F. W. Wellington, Col. R. F. Barrett, Col. G. A. Keeler, Col. W. L. Chase (Rifle Practice). Assistant Quartermaster-Generals. Col. M. 0. Adams, Co'. A. M. Chadwick, Col. G. W. Moses, Col. A. H. Goetting, Col. W. II. Dyer. Assistant Adjutant-Generals. Col. S. C. Hart, Col. A. M. Jackson, Col. W. A. Coutiiouy, Col. E. A. Buffinton. FIRST BRIGADE. Brig.-Gen. Com- manding, . Benj. F. Bridges, Jr., So. Deerfield. Lt.-Col.andAsst. Adj. -Gen. . B. S. Parker, Boston. Lt. -Col. and Med. Director, . H. L. Burrill, .... Boston. Maj. and Asst. Ins. Gen., . J. W. Sanger Boston. Maj. and Asst. Ins. -Gen. Rifle Practice, . . C. W. Hinman, .... Boston. Capt. and Brig- ade Q. M., . C. I.. Hayden, ... So. Deerfield. Capt. and Engi- neer, . . . Tin is. Aspinwall, . . Brookline. Capt. and Judge Advocate, . H. S. Dewey, Boston Capt. and Pro. Marshal, . . CD. Lyford Brookline. 1st. Lt. and Sig- nal Officer, . H. H. M. Borghardt, . . Boston. 2d Lt. and A111- bul'ce Officer, Myles Standisii, .... Boston. Aides-de-Camp -J WM - L ' Cl,ASE ' ■ ■ ■ Brookline. I Thos. F. Cordis, . . . Springfield.