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The whole aberration is therefore


The angles AER, Aer being very nearly the same, we may, without much error, establish that for a particular value of the aberration varies as v the versed sine of AER, that is, as the square of AR, the radius of the aperture.

Let us examine what kinds of value the aberration in a lens assumes in different cases.

  1. For the meniscus or concavo-convex lens we have (r, r, being both positive.)

The aberration


Now suppose m=3/2, r=1, r′=5/3, ∆=∞ and therefiore

∆′= 3r=3, ∆″=5.
A= {−3/2·52/32·22·1/3+102/32(2/3·1/31/5)}v
= 430/81v.

And if v be the versed sine of or .0006, A=−.003, nearly.

Note that the aberration is of a contrary sign to the focal distance, and therefore diminishes it.

  1. For the double-concave lens r is negative.
