Page:Ora Maritima.djvu/129

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my uncle, "unless (§25) ihere-is^ rain (§17). If the sky is* clear, we shall not arrive late, as I hope." "IJnless you, Alexander, walk^ quickly," says Mark, " there will be deiay." " When shall we visit Richborough ? " say I. " If you visit ^ me next year (j>roximo anno)" says my uncle " I will walk with you to Rich- borough,^ and I will show vou the ruins of the castle belonging- to-Richborough (§21)."

After § 26. {On Adjectives in -atus, a, uin).

A. Translate and compare the following exampks of Adkctives in -atus, -a, -um, ivJiich have occurred in ihe story. Aedificium consecratum (§10). Nonnulla navigia Castella rominata sunt (§ i i)' Locus in fabula commemoratus est (§ 14^ Urnae pulchre ornatae (§20). Quota hora parati eritis? (§21). Non fatigatus sum (§23). Copiae armatae (§ 24). Quando satiatus eris ? (§ 26).

All these Adjectives are formed from Verbs, like tke Eng/ish Adjectivcs in -ed or -n formed from Verbs. Adjectives formed from Verbs are generally called ^ Participles,' and they may be used, like other Adjectives, either to qualify Nouns or with tJie Verb ^ to be' (see examples above). IVhen they are used tvith tJie Verb ^ to be' tJiey form certain tenses of tJu ^ Passive Voice,' as in EnglisJi.

' Use the Future Perfect Tcnse (shalt have ).

^ Imitate the way of saying ' to Dover ' given in § 24 of the story, and see also ihe rule given in Prepnralions §22. The case used to express 'lo' and 'from' with the name of a Town is ihe same as if ihe Preposilions wt and ah were uscd.