Page:Ora Maritima.djvu/135

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§32- {3^^ Declension. — Feminines and Masadines in -is, likt

  • navis ').

{A^ Caesar's fleet was large. For there-were not only ships of- burden but also ships of-war in the fleet. How-many^ ships sailed with Caesar on the second expedilion ? The whole (§ 16) number of the ships was eight-hundred. Six-hundred of (use ex) the ships were ships of-burden. The Romans sometimes used-to-name- ships of-burden ' vessels.' ' Vessel ' is a noun (say na^ne) of the second declension (use declinatio), but ' ship ' is a noun of the third (§ 23) declension.

{B.) When the enemy^ saw Caesar's great fleet, they feared (§ 2). But the size of Caesar's ships was small. In the ships of- burden were the soldiers and the horses-and the arms. Why did Caesar sail with ships of-war against the British enemy?^ The Britons had built no ships. But Caesar perhaps (§ 25) did-not- know (§31) this.'* He had prepared his second expedition in^ the winter of the year 55 B.C. He sailed in^ the sumrner (§29) of the next (§28) year. In ancient times Rome ruled^ the waves.

§ 33. {Same Nouns continued.)

In a Roman ship of-burdcn not more'^ than two-hundred (§32) men were-able to sail. A ship of-burden was not so large as a ship of^var. How-many men were-able to sail in Caesar's fleet ?

1 See Ex. §28, Note 3 (p. 128), and Latin Drill, § 13.

  • See Ex. §27 A, Note 3 (p. 127).
  • Use the Piural (enemies).
  • Use hoc ; see Preparations § 15 (p. 73^.
  • No Preposition in Latin ; for *in the winter' and 'in the summer' denote

time -u<hen, like ' in the second century ' {Prep. § 10), ' last year ' (§ 16), etc.

• Say was rnistress 0/.

'The Singular Number of the word meaning ' morc ' {P>ep. §33)isgood Latin here ; but the Verb ' were-able ' must be Plural, as in the English.