Page:Ora Maritima.djvu/140

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136 DRILL exercises

the eagle-bearer of the tenth legion leaped ^ into the waves and carried (§6) thc Roman eagle (.§ 25) to the land (§4). Accordingly the Romans defeated (§24) the Britons on-account-of (§33) the pluck of the ea^le-bearer. The Roman eagles were made-of-silver (§9) and served as- flags.

§ 42. {Adjectives of the jrd Declension.)

(A.) The ancient Biitons were brave men. They fought with' admirable pluck. The bodies of the ancient Britons were big and strong. The Romans were not so {%33) big as the Britons ; but by means of the science of war they were able to carry-oflf the victory from the Britons. Cacsar was a distinguished general. He had defeated the brave tribes of Belgic Gaul in a short time. Victory was sweet to Caesar.

(B.) Not all* the British states (§40) had fought against Caesar. There had never (§25) been an aUiance (§34) of all the tribes of Britain against an enemy. It' is wonderful ihat (§41) the Britons were-able to fight so (§41) successfully against the conquerors of so-many (§40) seas and lands. The name of Caesar was dis- tinguished through (§26) the whole (§16) world (§41). The soldiers of the tenth legion were veterans. It * is sweet to fight and, if it is necessary (§24), to die* for (§40) one's^ native-land.

»See Ex. §37, note 2 (p. 134).

Say 7vere instead-of ; cf. § n of the story (" the skins served as sails.")

  • See Ex. §20, note i (p. 121, on the Ablative without a Preposition).

Adjectives meaning ' all/ unlike other Adjectives, generally coine before Iheir Nouns in Latin : cf. nole 2, p. iii, and Rule i of Oider, p. lox.

' No separate word for 'it'; but the Adjective after *is' must be in the Neuter Gender, as in §41 of the story.

• Say ' to expire,' exspirare.

' Omit the word ' one's ' in translating.