Page:Oration Delivered on the Occasion of the Dedication of the New Hall of Cooper Lodge.djvu/11

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nor the newspapers of the modern Pharisee, to proclaim to the world her deeds of charity.

Again, Masonry lives through all time, and extends to all extent. This is true, she has lived through all time; and will live—for founded on truth and love, virtue and goodness, she must and will live through all coming time. These great moral qualities will never leave the earth: if drawn from all other places and associations, in the halls of Masonry they will ever find a safe and sure hiding place. And not only so; but she will extend to all extent; that is, as far as the wandering and weary footsteps of man in his earthly pilgrimage may extend.

And not only so, but she spreads undivided and operates unspent. Undivided, after the lapse of thousands of years. This is her glory, her grandeur and power. Still undivided—can this be said of any other association, or faith, or system, in the world, political, moral, philosophical, or religious? No, my brethren, no, it cannot. I appeal to facts, I appeal to universal history, sacred and profane—the accredited depository of facts. What empire, nation, and kingdom, on earth, have not been divided, and torn to pieces by factions hostile to each other; or what nation, empire and kingdom, now in the world, is not suffering from the same cause? You all know these things. Statesmen and politicians, you know these facts. Moralists, philosophers and ministers of the gospel of peace and righteousness, you all know, or should know these facts; and the causes that produce this sad and painful state of affairs. What are these causes? The want of brotherly kindness and charity. They do not keep the unity of the spirit in the bonds of peace, But they keep up the spirit of division in strife and war.

Fanatical priests—I speak without reference to any one sect or party of the priesthood—who have forsaken their holy mission of love, peace and good will to man—in concert with selfish and ambitious demagogues who cease to be patriots—rival each other in the unholy work of dividing, distracting and destroying the harmony and union, peace happiness of the country. Thus has it ever