Page:Orczy--the gates of Kamt.djvu/101

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iously at the very foot of the throne of the god whose beloved he was. What would ensue was pretty evident. The "casting-out" process of the two defrauding evil-doers would be swift and sure.

"Shut your eyes, Girlie, it must be done," I whispered.

And Hugh did shut his eyes and pulled himself together with an almost superhuman effort. I followed him to the altar, and held the little creature for him, ready to guide the knife, so that death might be instantaneous. But though he was as pale as death, Hugh's hand was quite firm; only when the blood flowed freely from the cub's throat on to his hand, he tottered and his lips became livid. Fortunately I was near him, and imperceptibly was able to support him, while everyone was engrossed in listening to the solemn invocation, or rather commands, which the high priest spoke over the accomplished sacrifice.

"People of Kamt, in the name of Osiris I enjoin you to reverence his beloved!

"In the name of Isis, the goddess whose image illumines the nights of Kamt, and makes them beautiful above all, I enjoin you to look upon him as your future lord and king!

"And in the name of Ra, the great and awesome mystery, who buildeth up every throne and maketh every empire, I enjoin you to swear fealty to him, to his children and to his children's children as the ages roll away!"

Then he raised his hands aloft and pronounced a solemn blessing over the assembled multitude.

"May the blessing of Ra rest upon your heads!

"May Osiris make your land fruitful and rich!

"May Isis give you grace and wisdom, and to your daughters beauty above all the children of men!

"And at your death may Horns intercede for you