Page:Orczy--the gates of Kamt.djvu/175

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and, with slightly elevated eyebrows, was looking at Hugh.

"And how will the beloved of the gods ensure this laudable aim?" he asked with the same mock deference.

"By appointing my counsellor to be the Pharaoh's physician and adviser; those who now fawn round him have no understanding of the terrible malady which is threatening to terminate his life, when he is yet scarcely out of boyhood. My counsellor is well versed in the science of drugs and herbs. He will advise the Pharaoh as to what he should eat and what he should avoid."

"The Pharaoh, though scarcely yet out of boyhood, is not one so easily counselled, oh, Beloved of the gods! and those who have now gained his confidence were appointed to the high honour by the will of Ra himself."

"As expressed by thy mouth, Ur-tasen, and though thy counsels may be wise in the administration of religion and the offering of sacrifice, I know not if they are worthy to be followed where a serious malady threatens the descendant of kings."

"Such as they are they have been followed in this glorious land of Kamt, long before thy foot trod its soil, oh, beloved of the gods!" said the high priest, still trying to contain himself, though his voice shook with passion and his hand clutched the heavy wand of office till the sinews of his gaunt arms creaked with the effort.

"Yet, nevertheless, in this matter my counsel shall prevail," said Hugh, with sublime calm, "and I solemnly declare that my counsellor here shall in future have constant access to the bedside of the Pharaoh, and that whatever he orders for the monarch's welfare shall be blindly and implicitly obeyed."

"And how dost thou propose to enforce this declara-