Page:Orczy--the gates of Kamt.djvu/207

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rescue. But before we could reach the group where the powerful beast was, with mighty jaws, tearing bits of flesh from the shoulders and thighs of his victim, Neit-akrit was already by Sen-tur's side.

With utmost calm she placed her tiny hand upon his collar, and said, in a quiet, gentle voice:

"Sen-tur! Sen-tur! come!"

And, unresisting, suddenly as gentle as a kitten, with great jaws still covered in blood which he was licking with a smothered growl, the powerful creature allowed her to lead him away; and when she once more took her seat beneath the turquoise blue canopy, he lay down with a final snarl at her feet.

I was hastily examining the arms, shoulders and thighs of the injured man. They were terribly lacerated by the monstrous teeth of the brute, and I whispered to Hugh that I thought in one instance amputation would be necessary.

I had never seen so dark a scowl on Hugh Tankerville's face as I did then; he looked positively evil, and I was quite sorry for the poor little girl who, to my mind, was after all only guilty of thoughtlessness. Two shorn, yellow-robed medicoes had sprung up from somewhere: I directed them how to bandage the wounds, and ordered my patient to be removed to an airy room, where I could presently attend to him.

General gloom seemed to have settled on all those present; Neit-akrit was stroking Sen-tur's head with a defiant look at Hugh.

"Wilt allow me to speak to thee alone?" he said abruptly.

To my astonishment she immediately ordered her slaves and attendants away, and when they had gone she said quite humbly:

"I know what thou wouldst say. Do not chide me; I