Page:Orczy--the gates of Kamt.djvu/238

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to go forth and rule over the land of Kamt," I said, "and where the gods bade me follow him."

"And is he worthy of thy devotion, thinkest thou?"

"Nay, Princess, in that same land we do not pause to think if men and women be worthy before we give them our love. The son of Ra is dearer to me than ever brother was to brother, or son to father. Therefore I crave of thee again to allow thy slaves to guide me to where he now is, for I feel that he has need of me."

"My slaves and my house are at thy command, oh, wise counsellor! Order what thou wilt. Fan-tu, who has charge of my slaves, will obey thy every word."

I thanked her, then as she was silent I turned to go, but she stopped me.

"Stay!" she said; "hast reflected that the holy Pharaoh can ill spare thee? He is very sick, and thou leavest him without regret."

"The holy Pharaoh is in no immediate bodily danger; and even if he were, Princess, my duty is to my friend."

"How strange," she said. "I have never heard of love and duty spoken of as between man and man. Is that love a product of that land where dwelleth Osiris, and whence thou and His emissary do come?"

"It is held as sacred there as the love given by man to woman."

"Do men give love to women too, then, in that land?"

"Once only in their lives, Princess. Men have one love as they have one word, and part with their life sometimes because of either."

"I will not detain thee further, oh, wise counsellor!" she said with sudden coldness. "Deign to give thy orders to Fan-tu, and what boat or escort thou dost need shall await thy commands."