Page:Order in Council PC4458-1941 20-June-1941.djvu/4

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PC 4458/41


EDMONTON, May 13, 1941.

Dear Sir:

Pursuant to our conversation this afternoon with regard to the Tilley East Area Testing Field, we held a council meeting forthwith and have discussed the matter thoroughly from every angle.

When we proposed to undertake to assist you in secruing this property we had in mind the exchanging of other Provincial land equally as good as or better than that already occupied by the people residing within its bounds. The basis of our calculation together was that there would be largely the matter of moving expenses and adjustment of buildings etc. of the residents and owners.

Honourable Messrs. Tanner and Fallow went into the district and spent five days trying to make contracts with the people to get them moved but they found that the people were not willing to accept an exchange of land and demanded a minimum of $10.00 per acre for their lend together with $6.00 per acre for crops sown, and full value of other improvements.

They secured satisfactory agreements with about fifteen residents but a few days after the residents held a meeting and passed resolutions to the effect that all agreements made were repudiated and that they "absolutely refuse individually and collectively to co-operate further under the present set up". A copy of this resolution was forwarded by them to the Prime Minister and Governor General of Canada.

Without going into the causes of this agitation, we feel that it is financially impossible for us to take the responsibility of moving these people out and making their land available to you.

We are however prepared to make available all Provincila land within the area to the Department of National Defence, according to our first proposal, with the understanding that the Dominion Government deal directly with the settlers within the area. It you are agreeable to this we shell pass O.C. making this land available to you immediately.

Yours very truly,

(Sgd.) William Aberhart


Colonel the Honourable James Ralston,
Minister of National Defence,
Ottawa, Ontario.