Page:Oread August 1891.djvu/12

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For nearly forty years Mt. Carroll Seminary has maintained itself in Northern Illinois as an educational institution of the highest order for girls, and always under the leadership of the same successful teacher. Thousands of young women have here received the training which to-day is making them good wives and wise mothers, or who are achieving successes in their chosen profession.

Its methods of instruction are such as form character, develop intellect, perfect the physical nature and make practical women of its students. Its location is one of unsurpassed beauty and healthfulness, and its advantages for musical culture are second to those of no other Western institution. We believe that it numbers fewer unsuccessful women among its graduates than any school of equal age and size in the land.

MARY A. LIVERMORE, Boston, Mass.

It is a matter of great satisfaction to me to note the remarkably advanced position Mt. Carroll Seminary has taken in its admirable schedule for the improvement and comfort of students. Especially in the department of musical art is its standard unequivocally high, and based upon the soundest principles of musical culture and practical value, in both vocal, instrumental and theoretical branches. The methods employed are, as far as my knowledge of the subject goes, the best extant, while the artistic culture and enthusiasm of the well-equipped teachers in that field is worthy of the most highly renowned standards of our musical capitals. Upon correct methods in music must the future of the art depend.
Wm. H. Sherwood,
Pianist and Teacher.

June 28, 1890.

MY DEAR MRS. SHIMER: -- In the conduct of the Mt. Carroll Seminary you have my very best wishes. I am sure you will meet every requisite in the responsible position you occupy. and that young ladies entrusted to your care will have the proper training morally, physically and mentally. Yours truly, MRS. JOHN A. LOGAN.