(LL Nursery, first Oregon, IM, Nymphs of the Cascades, ZhiL
Oak Point, "O'Cain." 51.
Ogden ransoms Waiilatpu cap- tives, llfi.
Olney, Judge Cyrus, Ififi.
Oregon — compared with other states, 9; with Great Britain, 9j with Massachusetts, 12i Epochs, 13: earliest account of, 15i Book of Stone, 15; ori- gin and meaning. 16i what we know of, Hi where rolls the. 19: discovery of, 19j boundary of, 20j explorations that led to discovery of, 21; discovered by land, 36; trail, Hi joint occupation of, 58; under Pro- visional Government, 91; or- ganic laws of, 96j divided into four counties, 96_; no man's land, 98i Rangers, 99; question, settlement of, 108; apples sold at SI. 25 per bu., 110; Coast Range ablaze, 110; Forest fire (1848), 112i "Rifles" sent to The Dalles, 116: proclaimed a territory, 125; Exchange Com- pany, 128: first Custom House, 148: divided into territories, 153 ; Constitutional Conven- tion, 166: under State Govern- ment, 171; Enabling Act Passed, 172: Oregon State Seal, 114; Floods, l&l; Central R. R. Co., 193; Caves, 208; State Flower, 2M; Bible Train- ing College, 272; bank holi- days, 293j "Grand Old Man," 299; Forestry Board, 306_; Gold output. 319; in World War. 323: literature. 'Ml: "Rain." 346: "Journal." 3I7_; Names. 378.
"Oregon." Battleship. 263. Oregon hills of glass, 89. Oregon Historical Society, 267. Oregon Horse, fossils of discov- ered by Thomas Condon, 21^
O. R. & N. Co. incorporated. 221.
Oregon Institute, 84.
Oregon System, 282.
Oregon Trail marked by Ezra Meeker, 291.
Oregon Trail monument expedi- tion, 291.
Oregonian discovers gold in Cali- fornia, 12L
Orleans carried away by flood.
Pacific College, 2ilIL
Pacific Fur Company organized.
Pacific Highway, ZZL
Pacific Republic. UA.
Pacific University, 1.^9.
Parker, Rev. Samuel. 74^ 15*
Patriotism, Oregon. ^
Pendleton Round-Up, 298.
Penitentiary outbreak, 232.
Pennoyer, Gov., 245.
Philomath College. 19L
Pillars of Hercules, 232.
Plttman, Miss Anna M., II.
Piute-Bannock War, 223.
Poultry Industry Improved, 319.
Povey, G. W., 269.
Powell, Joab, baptized 3000, IM.
Prehistoric burial mounds, 225.
Prehistoric inscriptions on Co- lumbia, 234.
Prehistoric wrecks along Oregon coast,
Printing press, first in Pacific
Northwest, Pritchett, Gov., 13L Prohibition Law, IM. Provisional Government voted at
Champoeg, S3. Pulpit Rock. 22. Purchase of Louisiana, 2!L Railroad extended to California.
194: built to Roseburg, 194;
noted bridge. 242. "Raccoo