Page:Oregon Geographic Names, third edition.djvu/616

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builder for whom Mount Thielsen in the Cascade Range was named.

THIMBLE MOUNTAIN, Clackamas County. This point in the northeast corner of the county was named by T. H. Sherrard of the Forest Service because of its resemblance to a thimble.

THIRD LAKE, Linn County. Third Lake is the third of a series of four lakes extending along the east bank of Willamette River north of Albany. These lakes are named in accordance with their position, First Lake being the one nearest Albany.

THIRTY-Two Point CREEK, Wallowa County. This creek is in the extreme southeast part of the county. There are two theories about the name, one to the effect that a pair of antlers with 32 points was found nearby, and the other to the effect that there are 32 points of land fronting on the creek between its mouth and its source. The reader may take his choice.

THOMAS CREEK, Linn County. Thomas Creek is one of the important streams of the county. It was named for Frederick Thomas who in 1846 settled on the banks of the stream, where he took up a donation land claim. Other nearby settlers named the stream.

THOMSON, Lane County. Thomson was an early-day post office on McKenzie River, but should not be classed as a pioneer establishment. Mary C. Thomson was appointed postmaster April 15, 1891. She ran the office until June 24, 1893, when it was closed to McKenzie Bridge. An effort was made to revive the office in May, 1895, when Cynthia J. Isham was appointed postmaster, but the order for some reason or other was rescinded in July, 1895. The C. W. Thomson homestead was in section 17, township 16 south, range 5 east, just across the McKenzie Highway from Belknap bridge, but bridge and highway were not there when the Thomsons settled. Thomson post office was between Blue River and McKenzie Bridge.

THORN HOLLOW, Wallowa County. Thorn Hollow drains into Cougar Creek in township 4 north, range 45 east. In 1885 J. Pern Averill and James Alford killed two bears there that were found feasting off the thornberries, and the name Thorn Hollow resulted.

THORNBERRY, Sherman County. This station, formerly known as Grebe, was named for a local resident and stockman. It is south of Biggs. Grebe post office was established in February, 1916, with Henry Grebe postmaster. Harvey B. Thornberry became postmaster in January, 1919, and the name of the office was changed to Thornberry in October, 1920. The office was discontinued in November, 1923.

THORNHOLLOW, Umatilla County, Thornhollow was the name of a post ofhce situated in the natural geographic feature Thorn Hollow about eighteen miles east of Pendleton. The name Thorn Hollow was applied in the '70s, but the post office was not established until 1923. Marietta Jones was the first postmaster. Postal authorities made the name one word. Thorn Hollow was originally named by a stage driver because of an abundance of thorns along the road. Thornhollow was not on the post office list in 1927, but Thorn Hollow was a railroad station in 1941 and for many years prior.

THORNTON LAKE, Benton County. This is a long narrow lake about a mile northwest of Albany. It is on what was the donation land claim of J. Quinn Thornton, one of Oregon's prominent pioneers, and was named for him, 'Thornton was born in Mason County, West Virginia,