Page:Oregon Geographic Names, third edition.djvu/623

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The compiler does not know if the mine was in operation at the time the post office was established or not. Bean also ran a store. Three years later Bean had a new office established with the name Lampa, at or close to the site of the Timon office. Tioga, Douglas County. The name Tioga is probably taken from an Iroquois Indian word meaning "where it forks," referring to a place in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, which was the southern gateway to the Iroquois country. Several important trails met there. For a discussion of the word, see Handbook of American Indians, volume II, page 755. Tioga, as a post office name, has been popular throughout the country. Tioga was once a post office on North Umpqua River about six miles northeast of Glide. The office was established April 3, 1890, with J. S. Williams postmaster, and was discontinued November 28, 1892. The name may have been selected because it was near this point that a trail forked away from the river and followed up Rock Creek. A later post office, Idleyld Park, has been established at this place. Tioga Fork is the name given a stream in the east part of Coos County, tributary to South Fork Coos River. It is probable that the name was used in this case because of its pleasing sound. There is a locality on this stream called Tioga, but it was not a post office in 1945. Tipsoo PEAK, Douglas and Klamath counties. This peak is on the summit of the Cascade Range north of Mount Thielsen. It is named with the Chinook jargon word for grass. Tipsoo also means hair.

TIPTON, Baker County. Tipton post office was established at the summit of the Blue Mountains near the Baker-Grant county line west of Whitney at a high point on the Sumpter Valley Railway, and was named on this account. The office was put in service February 13, 1904, with Robert W. Cecil first of two postmasters, and was closed January 17, 1906. The locality has an elevation of a little over 5100 feet.

TIPTOP, Lane County. Tiptop post office was named with the nickname of the first postmaster, Isaac Hamner, who was frequently called Tiptop because of some hunting incident that suggested the name. The post office, which was established May 16, 1895, was in section 36, township 21 south, range 3 east, on or near Hills Creek. Isaac Hamner was the first and only postmaster. The office was discontinued April 5, 1901. The locality of Tiptop post office is frequently called The Boulders and in 1948 the place was owned by Cliff Morgan. Tire CREEK, Lane County. In May, 1943, Ranger C. B. McFarland of Oakridge wrote the compiler as follows: "Tire Creek was named during the early days soon after the old military wagon road was constructed. A traveler broke his wagon wheel. The wagon tire rolled to the lower side of the road and was abandoned in the small creek bed. It lay there for many years and the creek was referred to as Tire Creek." The stream is about four miles north of Westfir.

TNT CREEK. Lane County. This is a tributary of Hills Creek. It is named because a Forest Service pack mule bucked off a box of TNT at this creek when the trail was being built.

TODD LAKE, Deschutes County. Formerly called Lost Lake because of the difficulty in finding it. Citizens of Bend asked to have the name changed because of confusion with other Lost lakes, and the name Todd Lake was selected in commemoration of Uncle John Y. Todd, an early settler of central Oregon. John Young Todd was born in Carroll