Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 1.djvu/119

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Cambridge, Nov. 28, 1850.1em

Hon. Robert C. Winthrop:

Dear Sir—I have received a letter from Sam'l R. Thurston, Esq., of which the following- is a portion:

"I desire you to give me as correct a description as you can at this late period, of the manner in which you and your party, and your enterprise in Oregon, were treated by the Hudson's Bay Company west of the Rocky mountains, and particularly by Dr. John McLaughlin, then its Chief Factor. This Dr. McLaughlin has since you left the country, rendered his name odious among the people of Oregon, by his endeavors to prevent the settlement of the country and cripple its growth. Now that he wants a few favors of our Government, he pretends that he has been the long-tried friend of Americans and American enterprise west of the mountains." I have written Mr. Thurston, in reply to the above extract, that myself and parties were kindly recieved, and were treated well in all respects by J. McLaughlin, Esq., and the officers of the Hudson's Bay Co.; but from the tenor of his letter, I have no confidence that my testimony will be presented before any committee to whom may be referred any subjects touching the interests of said John McLaughlin, Esq.

The very honorable treatment received by me from Mr. McLaughlin during the years inclusive from 1832 to 1836, during which time there were no other Americans on the Lower Columbia, except myself and parties, calls on me to state the facts.

The purpose of this letter is to ask the favor of you to inform me what matter is pending, in which Mr. McLaughlin's interests are involved, and before whom, and if you will present a memorial from me on the matters stated in Mr. Thurston' s letter as above.

Respectfully and truly your ob't servant,


WASHINGTON, Dec. 28, 1850.

Dear Sir—I took the earliest opportunity to enquire of Mr. Thurston what there was pending before Congress or the Executive, in which Mr. McLaughlin 's character or interest were concerned. He would tell me nothing, nor am I aware of anything.

Respectfully vour ob't serv't,


To N. J. Wyeth, Esq.