Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 19.djvu/25

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UMPQUA ACADEMY 15 A few "Rules" also will be quoted. RULE II "Such as reside outside of the district shall present satisfac- tory evidence of good moral character and also satisfactory evidence of disposition to obey all the regulations." "OF MORAL CONDUCT" "This institution can admit of no immoral principles or practice among its members, nothing poisonous in principle inculcated; nothing poisonous or improper in the reading in- dulged and nothing corrupting in the influence reflected by the students among students or elsewhere." "But in addition to these general prohibitions the trustees deem it proper to note some few things particularly because they are more extensively practiced among immoral youth." Some things could not be tolerated a partial list is sub- mitted : "Irreverent remarks about the Christian Religion." "Profane, obscene or vulgar language or unchaste yarns or narratives, or immoral gestures or hints." "Any degree of tippling anywhere." "Any sort of night reveling ;" and so on ad infinitum. RECREATIONS "The only athletic recreations allowable by our students are such as exclude all vulgar or clownish ways, particularly such as wrestling, cuffing, kicking, scuffling, boxing or tumbling about." "No uncouth noises are allowed by students especially such as hooting, screaming or vulgar salutations." "This institution being open for both sexes, we will define their relative positions; they are to have no intercourse in school hours or recitations. Under no circumstances are they to join in plays either about the school or elsewhere, unless at home and members of the same family. In short, their inter- course, if any, shall be confined to polite, respectful conversa- tion such as would be entirely becoming if it were in the presence of their parents or other revered personages."