Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 19.djvu/365

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DOCUMENTARY 347 instrument which shall be executed by the proprietors in respect of these presents. 12th. That in the event of any proprietor being at any time desirous of selling or disposing of his or her share or shares, the same shall, in such case, be offered to the agents of the said Puget's Sound Agricultural Company, for the said Company, and in case the said agents shall decline to purchase the same, then such proprietor shall be at liberty to sell or transfer such share to such other person or persons as shall be approved by the said agents or any two of them. 13th. That no sale, transfer or disposal of any share shall be made, so long as any sum of shall be due or unpaid to the said Company for, or on account of any call or otherwise, in respect of such share. 14th. That the Puget's Sound Agricultural Company shall purchase from the said Governor and Company, at a fair valua- tion, to be made in the usual way, or on such other terms as may be agreed upon, such portions of their stock of sheep, cat- tle, horses and such implements of husbandry and other articles as the said Governor and Company can dispense with. 15th. That the said agents be empowered to appoint man- agers, agents or attorneys, for the purpose of transacting the business of the said Company in the district in North America aforesaid, or wherever else may be necessary, and to enter into engagements with such managers, agents or attorneys as may be necessary for carrying on the business, and to allow them such salaries or other consideration for their services as may be necessary or proper, and to revoke such appointments or engagements, and likewise to make agreements with, and ad- vances to persons desirous of becoming agriculturists; Pro- vided, always, that the principal direction or management of the affairs of said Company in the said district, be under superin- tendence of an officer attached to and interested in the Fur Trade of such Governor and Company. 16th. The Chief Factor, or other officer who may be ap- pointed to the direction or chief management of their affairs in the district aforesaid, shall in all things relating to the man- agement of their affairs, be subject to instructions from time to time, to be issued by the said agents in London.