Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 19.djvu/376

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358 REVEREND EZRA FISHER Br. Cramb arrives, or the church is otherwise supplied with pastoral labors. Other ministers are active in the place and I think your Board would heartily approve of the course I have been led to pursue, if they were here. Indeed I have not directed my steps for the last eight weeks, neither have I tried. Providence in a peculiar manner has marked my way and, although in some respects deeply afflictive, I have not ventured to say more than this, Lord direct, I will try and follow, although bowed down with grief. Yours truly, EZRA FISHER.

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Received April 26, 1854. Oregon City, Apr. 1st, 1854. Rev. Benjamin M. Hill, Cor. Sec. A. B. H. M. Soc. Herein I send you my report of labor under the appointment of the Home Mission Society as General Itinerant for Oregon for the fourth quarter ending March 30th, 1854. I have labored 13 weeks; preached 35 sermons; delivered two temperance lectures, and 23 addresses at the special meet- ings of Oregon City church and Clackamas church; attended 34 prayer meetings and six other religious meetings ; visited religiously 124 families and other persons; visited two public schools in Oregon City ; baptized 16 persons in the Oregon City church; traveled to and from my appointments 48 miles; received one person by letter ; 22 persons have been hopefully converted in Oregon City in connection with my labors ; monthly concert is established at Oregon City church ; took up a collection at the monthly concert for March of $3.75 for missionary purposes, object not yet specified; connected with the church is a Sabbath school, and Bible class of about 25 scholars ; more than half of the school are in the Bible class. Three teachers ; about 75 volumes in the library. Our meetings continue interesting. We have a few enquir- ers and shall probably soon baptize others. I remain most of