Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 19.djvu/390

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372 REVEREND EZRA FISHER Oregon City, O. Ter., Oct. 1st, 1854. To Rev. Benjamin M. Hill, Cor. Sec. of Am. Bap. Home Mission Soc. Dear Br. : Herein I send you my report of labor under the appointment of the Homie Mission Society as General Itinerant for the second quarter ending the 20th day of Sept., 1854. I have labored thirteen weeks in the quarter; preached 30 sermons; attended 10 prayer meetings, three church covenant meetings ; spent three weeks wholly in three yearly meetings, preaching, praying and exhorting as the cause of Christ seemed to demand; visited religiously 51 families and other persons ; traveled 205 miles to and from my appointments. In connection with the labors of my associates in the ministry, 1 has been baptized into the Santiam Church, 22 into the La Creole Church and 4 received by letter, and 4 were baptized into the Yam Hill Church, all of whom were baptized by the respective pastors of said churches. There have been 30 cases of hopeful conversions in these churches. I have visited the LaCreole Church in Polk Co., ten miles west of Salem, Santiam Church, 35 miles south of Salem, Lynn Co., and Yam Hill Church, 7 miles west of Lafayette, the seat of justice for Yam Hill Co. The Church at Oregon City sustained the monthly concert of prayer and have taken monthly collections at the same, amounting to about $9.00. The church at Oregon City took up a collection on the first Sabbath in July of $5.50 for the Home Mission Society. Sabbath schools, one with the Oregon City Church, the same as last quarter reported, one with the LaCreole Church. Respectfully submitted, EZRA FISHER, General Itinerant. Received Nov. 10.