Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 19.djvu/395

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INDEX TO VOLUME XIX Adams, John Quincy, policy of, on Ore- gon Question as Secretary of State, 113-125; recommendations in his first annual message in regard to the Northwest, 125-7; guides negotiations leading to Convention of 1818 and to the renewal of that agreement, 189; two motives which animated him in his actions in the Oregon controversy, 189; as Secretary of State and Presi- dent guides negotiations with Russia, and with Great Britain, 191-214. Allen, Senator William, fails to get in- formation on instructions given Amer- ican minister to England on Oregon Question, 310-11. Astoria (Fort George) described, 183. ASTORIA, THE SURRENDER AT, IN 1818, 271-282; sites of the new city hall and of the stockade of the Pacific Fur Company are adjoining, 271; cordial nature of relations in ceremonies rec- ognizing claim of sovereignty on be- half of United States, 272-3; instruc- tions for Mr. Prevost, 272-3; joint commission with Captain Biddle not carried through; Captain Biddle pro- ceeds in advance, 274-5; Prevost ac- companies Captain Hickey in com- mand of his Britannic Majesty's sloop of war Blossom, 275; the Prevost fam- ily, 275-6; spirit of friendliness char- acterizes relations of commissioners, but later the manner of the participa- tion on the part of the British repre- sentative deprecated by British diplo- mats, 276-7; Prevost' s report of pro- ceedings and on situation and coun- try, 277-82; the Russian establish- ments in California, 281-2. Atchison, Senator David R., succeeds Linn as leader of those urging occu- pation of Oregon, 310. B Bancroft, Hubert Howe, as historian of the Pacific Coast, 74-5. Baptist cause in Oregon in 1853, 253-6. Barlow Road monument, 336. Baylies, author of resolution and re- port on expediency of sending vessel to Pacific Coast, 126-7; cause of fail- ure of Gallatin to settle boundary question in 1826-7, 127. Benton, Thomas H., on factors actuating Floyd, 113; view as to future of Ore- gon Territory, 125. Biddle, Captain James, at Astoria (Fort George) in 1818, 181-4; his career and the presumption of his knowledge of the Oregon country, 185-6. Bolon, Andrew J., monument to, 340-1. British claims to Oregon country, prog- ress of negotiations over conflicting American claims and renewal of Con- vention of 1818, 1 9 7-2 1 4. British fur companies, rivalry of, for country west of Rockies, 215-6. Brosnan's History of Idaho, 339. c Calhoun, John C, reports on trade with the Indians in region extending west to Pacific Ocean, 114-5; counsels de- lay of legislation for organization of Oregon territory, 332-3. California, the name of, 215. Canning on transfer of Astoria, 197; 206-8. Canyon Road of Portland, 169-70. Cascade Mountains, why so named, 168; first roads across, 335-6. Centenaries marked by 1918, 181. Champoeg, seventy-fifth anniversary of, 172. Chittenden, Hiram M., life, writings and services of, 77-8. Coos Bay, exploration and beginning of settlement of country of, 61-2. Coquille Valley settlement, 62. Coquille, the name, 73-4. Craig, William, frontier trapper, 84. Davidson, George, ship's painter on the Columbia of Captain Robert Gray, 85. Deady, Matthew P., diaries of, 341. Death lists of members of the Oregon Historical Society, 80-1. Death lists of Oregon pioneers, 81-2; 176; 269-70; 373-4- EBBERT, GEORGE WOOD, sketch of, 263-7; trip with Jos. L. Meek back across plains in January, 1848, 263-8. FISHER, REVEREND EZRA, CORRESPOND- ENCE OF, 134-163; 235-261; 351-372; death of Mrs. Fisher, 351-4. Floyd, Dr. John, as leader in advocacy of legislation for the occupation of Oregon country, 112-4; his activities in securing reports on Oregon and in pressing for projects of legislation, 115-25; 128-31. [377]