Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 19.djvu/97

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News and Comment

June 29, 1852, will be reproduced in an early issue of the Quarterly. The American victims of the Indians, about 28 in number, were wrecked on the shore, while on a gold-seeking expedition, and were held for ransom by the Indians 54 days in November and December, 1851.

Joseph Burr Tyrrell has received the Murchison medal from the Geological Society in London. He is one of Canada's foremost geologists, explorers and mining engineers, an Ontario man by birth and a graduate of Toronto University. The medal is founded in memory of Sir Robert Impey Murchison, a famous British geologist, who died in 1871. Tyrrell has done much exploratory work for the geological survey of Canada. He has practiced mining engineering extensively in the Yukon. Ontario's five-mile railway strip through the wilds of Keewatin to Hudson's Bay was located by him.

"California; the Name," is the title of a 72-page publication of the University of California, December 19, 1917, written by Ruth Putnam, in collaboration with Herbert I. Priestly, assistant professor of history in that institution. This study of the name California is a far-reaching one.

A review of the Revolutionary period of the Ohio River country, entitled, "Frontier Retreat on the Upper Ohio," 17791781, being a symposium of letters and documents edited by Louise Phelps Kellogg, of the Wisconsin Historical Society, has been published by that society at Madison, Wisconsin.

Captain Robert Gray, discoverer of the Columbia River, in 1792, had aboard his ship Columbia a ship's painter named George Davidson, who was something of a pencil artist. Photographs of two of Davidson's sketches have come to the Oregon Historical Society from Mrs. Gertrude Peabody, great granddaughter of Robert Gray, of Boston.

"Origin of Washington Geographic Names" is the title of a noteworthy series of articles written by Edmond S. Meany, of Seattle, and running in the Quarterly of the Washington Uni-