Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 2.djvu/318

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H. S. Lyman.
48. Ah-ya-we-te-late—The fish meet in the sea at the time to bring forth their children before they go up the shallows.
54. Ah-ya-toe-te-yakt (fem.)—Cloud rests gently on the mountain ; voice from the winter.
63. Ant-as-in (masc.)—The arrow has passed through the body.
66. At-pips—Many dead bones old long ago.
67. Ats-so (masc.)—Enters the enemy's camp.
80. E-la-ips (masc.)—Intense heat.
E-la-n-sa-le-ka-tsat—Singing on a hill.
84. E-yan-steamed—Sound from the breaking up of ice on the river.
154. Heh-haught (fem.)—Always laughing.
168. He-meem-il-ip (masc.)—Red wolf.
169. He-meem-ka-yse (fem.)—Laughing wolf.
209. He-yume-la-son-my (fem.)—Noise from passing bears.
212. He-yume-pe-tits—Daughter of the bear.
E-lo-win-my—Heat of summer.
113. E-ya-tls-ke-likt (fem.)—Tree, roots and all floating down the river.
122. Ha-hats-il-lack-ne (masc.)—Many white bears.
123. Ha-hats-kuts-kuts (masc.)—Little white silver bears.
130. Ha-hats-il-pilp (masc.)—Red bear.
133. Ha-hats-mox-mox (masc.)—Yellow bear.
Te-yokt Echo.


Emalypo—Place above Asotin, where grows a flower, and root good to eat.
Nah-to-in—Mouth of the Potlatch.
Ya-tain—Creek above Potlatch.
Hat-way—First creek above Lewiston.
Pis-nis-tain—Place above Lapwai ferry.
Asotin Asotin—where lived a band of Nez Perces.
Ah-no-toe-no—Place above Asotin.
Lapwai—Place of waters (said by some to mean place of butterflies).

A casual glance would seem to bear out Mr. S. B. Smith's idea that places rather than streams were named, but since the coming of the whites the idea of naming streams has probably been adopted.