Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 4.djvu/427

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Kendrick, Captain, sent to North Pacific coast, 5.
Kenny, George L., 296.
Kirchoff, Louis, 137.
Kilham, E. H., 353, 358.
Killin, Hon. Benton, 188
Kincaid, Mr., night school taught by, 24.
King, Colonel William, 60, 65.
King, Wm. H., 66.
Kingsley, C. S., 67.
Kinney's cannery, 140.
Kinney, R. C., & Sons, 139.
Kinney, M. J., 141.
Kirk, Alexander, 74; elected county judge of Linn County, 76.
Kirk, W. R., 74.
Klippel, Henry, laid out Jacksonville as a town, 230, 235.
Knights of the Golden Circle, 73, 106, 108.
Knight, Wm. H., Manager Bancroft Publishing Department, 297.
Kuro-shiwo of Japan (Japan current), 39.
La Bonte, Louis, Recollections of Men, 264.
Ladd, W. S., 61, 63.
Lamerick, Captain J. K., 232.
Lampson, Roswell C., 104.
Land Law, The Donation, 37, 38, 229.
Lane, General Joseph, appointed governor of Oregon, 91; nominated for vice president, 94, 95, 101, 105, 106, 233, 234, 239, 370
Larkin, T. N., 63.
Larrabee, Charles H., publisher Puget Sound Dispatch, 380.
Larrabee & Company, publishers Puget Sound Dispatch, 377.
Latshaw, Major, 238.
Latty, Alexander, 265.
Lawrence, Miss, 28.
Lawson, Peter, 257.
Leary, John, 378.
Ledford Massacre, 236.
Ledger, The Philadelphia, 277.
Ledger, The Weekly, 382.
Lee, Jason, 265, 393.
Lee, Barton, 390.
Lee, H. A. G., 390.
Leinweber, Christian, 137.
Lewis and Clark Centennial, The, by F. G. Young, 1.
Lewis and Clark Expedition—Relation to the Northwest, 1; primary inception of, 6.
Lewis and Clark, exploring expedition, 5; the trail, 10, 12, 13, 115.
Lewis and Clark Centennial, mission of, 2; possibilities of, 16; duties of its authorities, 16-18.
Lewis, Mr., 9, 130.
Lewis and Clark, 8.
Lewis, Stephen (Etienne Lucier), 264.
Limerick, L., 63; appointed county school superintendent, 64.
Lincoln, Miss Liza, 26.
Lincoln, Abraham, 74, 97, 99, 101, 108, 370.
Lindgren, Waldemar, 124.
Lingenfelter, James W., 104.
Linn, Senator Lewis F., 151.
Literary Club, The Pioneer Lyceum, 390.
Little Meadows, Battle of, 233.
Lorraine, Lieutenant, 105.
Lorrea, Doctor, 61.
Louisiana Purchase Exposition, purpose of, 14.
Love, George, 235.
Love, G. M., 235.
Lovejoy, Hon. A. L., appointed postal agent for Oregon, 192, 256, 390.
Lownesdale, D. H., 59.
Lucier, Etienne, 261, 264.
Luelling, H., 59.
Lugenbeel, Major, 99.
Lumber Industry, The, 124.
Lupton, Major J. A., 234.
Lyman, Rev. Horace, 65.
Lyman, H. S., Some Corrections, 86.
Lyman, H. S., Reminiscences, 251, 268.
Lyon, Colonel George G., published Times, 384.
Madison, President, 9.
Mail and Express, The New York, 357.
Manufacturing, 122.
Marshall, J. W., discoverer of gold in California, 11.
Massachusetts Historical Society, 309.
Massacre at Bloody Point, 232.
Mason, Robert, & Company, 141.
Masters, ——, 254.
Mathieu, F. X., 167, 389.
Matthews, Captain Wm., 100.
Mattice, George W., purchased Pierce County News, 382.
Maulsby, G. T., 26.
Manson, Donald, 261, 265.
Manson, James, 262.
Manson, Jr., Donald, 262.
Manson, Wm., 261, 262.
Manson, Stephen, 262.
Maury, R. F., Lieutenant Colonel First Oregon Cavalry, 100.
Maxwell, Mr., 26.
Maxwell, S. L., 366; publisher Weekly Intelligencer, 377.
Mead, Elwood, chief of Division of Irrigation, 17.
Meany, E. S., 379.
Medary, Col. Samuel, 174.
Meek, Joseph, 85, 90; United States Marshal, 91, 160, 316, 393.
Meek, Stephen L., 242, 245.
"Message, The," 373.
McBride, Dr. James, 231.
McCarver, M. M., 78; letter of, 403.
McClure, Colonel John, 132, 137.
McDonald & Cavendish, 74.
McElroy, Thornton F., 365, 376.
McFadden, Judge O. B., elected to congress, 380.
McCaw, William, elected clerk of Linn County, 76.
McGraw, John H., 378.
McGregor, Miss, teacher, 29.
McGruder, Top, 390.
McHargue, James, 75.
McKay, Tom, 244, 256, 266.
McKay, Alexander, 257.
McKean, S. T., 32; and family, 133.
McKew, ——, 234.
McKinley, Archibald, 264, 265.
McLoughlin, Dr. John, in charge of Fort George, 131, 154, 257, 264, 281; flouring mill completed, 387.
McNaught, Ferry, McNaught & Mitchell, law firm of, 383.
McNemee, Mr., 64.
McNemee, Job, 258. 418