Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 7.pdf/149

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Editorial Note.


(I. R. Stamps)

Know all men by these presents: that we, J. H. Moores, Geo. L. Woods, S. Elsworth by Geo. L. Woods his attorney, I. R. Moores, E. N. Cooke, and J. S. Smith by I. R. Moores their attorney, and Samuel A. Clarke, have this day incorporated ourselves under and in accordance with the laws of Oregon, and we adopt the following as our Articles of Incorporation:

Article First. This Corporation shall be known as and do business under the name of the Oregon Central Rail Road Company.

Article Second. The enterprise, occupation, and business for which this company incorporates is to construct a rail road with all the necessary branches, fixtures, buildings, and appurtenances from Portland in Oregon, Southerly, about three hundred miles to the California line; to maintain and repair, and to employ the same in the transportation of freight and passengers and freight.

Article Third. The principal office for the transaction of the business of the Company shall be kept at the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon.

Article Fourth. The Capital Stock of the Oregon Central Railroad Company shall be fixed at Seven Millions two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($7,250,000.00).

Article Fifth. The number of shares of the Capital Stock shall be Seventy-two thousand five hundred (72,500), and the amount of each share of the stock shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00).

Article Sixth. The period of time during which the company shall remain in operation is not limited as to duration.

In testimony of our adoption of the foregoing Articles of Incorporation, witness our hands and seals this the twenty-second day of April, a. d. 1867.

John H. Moores. (seal)
Geo. L. Woods. (seal)
S. Elsworth. (seal)

By Geo. L. Woods, Atty.

I. R. Moores. (seal)
J. S. Smith, (seal)

Per I. R. Moores, Atty.

E. N. Cooke, (seal)

Per I. R. Moores, Atty.

Sam'l A. Clarke. (seal)

State of Oregon, Marion County. ss.

Be it remembered that on this twenty-second day of April, a. d. 1867, personally came before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State. the within named I. R. Moores, Geo. L. Woods, I. R. Moores for himself and also as attorney in fact for each of the following named