Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/323

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DEDICATION OF THE McLouGHLiN INSTITUTE. 315 race or religion or sect. In our appreciation of the motives and acts of these humanitarians, we show that the quality of humanity has an abiding place in every truly manly and womanly heart that it is naturally a part of our being. It is one of the qualities which differentiates us from the beasts and shows that our souls are attuned to the melodies of the divine. To the pupils and students who attend here, there will al- ways be the inspiration of the life and character of Dr. John McLoughlin. The name of this Institute will call to their minds the high ideals of his virtues, of his kindness, of his generosity, of his hospitality, of his philanthropy, of his hu- manity, of his mastery of himself, and of others, of his proper obedience to those in authority over him, and also of his obedi- ence to the higher laws of God and of Humanity when his obedience otherwise would have conflicted therewith. There will be before them his example of duty, well and faithfully done under discouraging and distressing circumstances; of doing right because it is right without regard to the conse- quences. DR. M'LOUGHLIN'S CHARACTER. Today comes to us, all the stronger, the feeling of what Dr. McLoughlin was and what he did. Today we more fully ap- preciate what he accomplished in laying the foundation of Oregon ; and we feel, that although dead, his spirit still lives, and his example is helping to make a better and a greater Oregon. In speaking of Dr. McLoughlin it is difficult to refrain from extravagant eulogy. His noble life makes us almost forget that he had any of the weaknesses and imperfections incident to human beings. His virtues stand pre-eminent. Let us not deify him, but give to him and to his memory their proper meed, for he freely exercised the God-like qualities with which he was endowed. He exalted not himself. He did not pose as a model. He was human, but he was a manly man, and his heart was full of .loving-kindness. He recognized right as it was given him to see it, and he acted accordingly. He saw his