Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/345

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HJSTOKY OF STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. 337 Dr. Langley Hall, vice-president, Umpqua County. R. M. Hutchinson, vice-president, Douglas County. John E. Ross, vice-president, Jackson County. Thomas T. Eyre, vice-president, Marion County. Medorem Crawford, vice-president, Yamhill County. William Barlow, vice-president, Clackamas County. President County Society, vice-president, Wasco County. T. D. Winchester, vice-president, Coos County. Capt. William Tichnor, vice-president, Curry County. Riley Hay den, vice-president, Josephine County. Solomon H. Smith, vice-president, Clatsop County. Thomas Smith, vice-president, Columbia County. C. H. Davidson, vice-president, Tillamook County. Jesse D. Walling, vice-president, Polk County. Samuel E. May, corresponding secretary, Marion County. Lucien Heath, recording secretary, Marion County. John H. Moores, treasurer, Marion County. A. A. Smith, Lane County; John Smith, Linn County, and William Ruble, of Polk County, were chosen a board of managers. Committees on finance, library, visiting and publication were appointed. The Oregon Farmer was declared to be the organ of the society. Pursuant to a resolution to that end, J. Quinn Thornton was chosen to deliver the first annual address. The publication committee were authorized to procure 500 certificates of membership and 500 copies of the constitution and by-laws. By formal vote an invitation was extended to the delegates of the " Oregon Fruit-Growers' Association" to merge that body into the " Oregon State Agricultural Society.' 7 The question of selecting the place where the first annual fair should be was decided, after four ballots, by choosing the Linn County fair grounds by 15 votes, to 9 for a point in Benton County, and the time for holding the fair was fixed for the second Tuesday in October.