Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/387

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BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HALL J. KELLKY. 379 [Memorials and petitions to Congress.] Date. Subject. Document. Cong. Bess. Serial or Vol. Page. 1828- 1830 Aid to colonization plan System of surveying H. Journal __ S. Journal 21 1 21 1 194 191 198 f 246 1831 Military escort S Journal 21 2 202 ( 275 71 1831- Military escort H Journal 22 1 216 44 1831. Military escort. Debates 22 1 VIII, pt. 2. 1433 1839- Grant of land for colony 8. Journal 26 1 353 I 4 f 1843- 1843 Bulfinch's lands in Oregon Bulfinch's lands in Oregon S. Journal Globe 27 3 27 3 412 IX. I 76 192 311 1843- 1844 Bulflnch's lands in Oregon Grant of land H. Journal H Journal 27 3 28 1 417 438 350 237 1848 Grant of land S. Journal 30 ) 502 f 210 1848 _ Grant of land Globe 30 1 XVIII. ( 245 567 1849 . Grant of land S. Journal 31 1 548 !38 1849 Grant of land Globe 31 1 XXI, pt. 1. 51 92 18EO Grant of land S. Journal 31 I 548 99 172 1850 Grant of land Globe 31 1 XXI, pt 1. f 292 1851 Grant of land S. Report, 42 31 1 565 tu 1854_ Grant of land or money 8. Journal 33 1 689 f 196 -< 346 1854 Grant of land or money Globe 33 1 XXVIII pt 1 ( 391 447 1854- 2866 Grant of land or money Grant of land- Globe H. Journal 33 1 39 2 XXVIII, pt. 2. 1280 f 989 J1186 93 1866 Grant of land Globe 39 2 XLVII, pt 1. 181 Memorial praying for a donation of land, and Testimonials concerning the colonization of the Oregon Terri- tory. N. P. [1844.] 18 p. Bost. Pub., Harvard, Pennsyl- vania. Same. [Without testimonials.] In Kelley's History of the Colonization of the Oregon Territory, pp. 1-4. Same. In the Palmer Sentinel, Palmer "Depot" (Mass.), December 10, 1846. Memorial praying for a donation of land. 1848. 2 p. In Kelley's HJistory of the Settlement of Oregon, pp. 91-2. Petition asking for a grant of land or pecuniary relief. [1854.] 4 p. In Kelley's Narrative of Events and Difficulties. Appendix. Petition praying for a grant of land or a donation of money. N. P. [1866.] 7 p. Wisconsin, Bancroft. Same. In Kelley's History of the Settlement of Oregon. A narrative of events and difficulties in the coloni- zation of Oregon, and the settlement of California; and also a