Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/406

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398 DIARY OF ASAHEL MUNGER AND WIFE. early start camped abouf noon had a little rest. How precious to 21 read the Holy Bible. Sab. This day we have a Sabbath of rest, our hunters went yesterday in pursuit of game, have not yet returned. My soul trusts in God. How perfectly easy for him to bring about his own purposes, when they are directly opposed to the wishes of wicked men. It is my prayer this day that God will provide some place for us to labor, in however obscure a corner it may be I care not I do not look for great things If we may be the means of enlightening a few, we will rejoice. I believe in Jesus and thank him for the many blessings of the journey thus far. I feel as though the animals we ride are God's lent us to use. I expect we shall have the use of them just as long as he sees we need. That is all I wish. I ask that I may possess the spirit of meekness, long suffering and kindness that is in Jesus Christ. With this spirit Let me treat all with whom I come in contact. No sermon today no prayers except private and family 22 devotions. Monday. Today our company are making meat. The hunters came in last evening. This is made by cutting into thin slices and spreading it upon a rack which is made of rods laid upon poles raised about 2 feet above the fire There we let it dry and half roast, or heat gradually until the juice or blood is dried, then it is taken off, packed together and pressed all night. The hunters killed 5 Buffalo one calf, and one bear. They have gone again while the rest of us dry what has been brought in. I hold in niy hand a bunch of the mountain flax. This resembles eastern flax very much. Its blossom bowl leaf, branches of the stalk & size all compare well. But this is a perennial plant, springs every year from the same root. We are now descending the mountains towards the Pacific within 40 miles of Ft Hall not yet molested by the Indians. Two men left us this morning for Ft. Hall. E. almost worn down with hard traveling and hard thinking. Tues. Lost a sack of clothing this day in it were two pr pantaloons 1 pr. boots 1 pr shoes 5 pr mocca- sins a vise vise I did not discover it until we camped. I returned in search of it went % of the day's journey, but could not find them. In returning home it was late before I arrived passed in sight of the three Butes three very high mountains covered with snow. 24th Wednesday. Mr. G. had a chase after a Buffalo in company with two others. Traveled most of the day in open plane [sic] with Snake river on our right at a distance bore away to the left, to Blackfoot 25 Creek & camped. Thurs. moved on until we came within 6 miles of Ft Hall Found a beautiful spring of water boiling up out of the 26 earth There are many similar in this region. Friday moved camp today only a mile found good grass and water stopped here for the purpose of recruiting our horses I made preparations and started about noon for Ft Hall. Was welcomely received by Mr. Ermitinger