Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/436

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428 INDEX. came short, 35-36; practice secreting animals of travellers, 37; outrage upon by gamblers, 38-39 ; magnanim- ity of, 39-41; ill-success of govern- ment in its attempts to remedy its policy towards, 99-101 ; council of ex- press appreciation of agent's honesty, 111-112; sensibility of, 112; religion among, 112-113 ; dispensing of liquor among,114-116; acquire art of plowing, 117-118; cast-oft women (Low-ee-ii,) 118-120; sex caste among, 122-123; tribal authority among crumbles, 122- 128 ; salary to chiefs a possible cor- ruption fund,J26-127; uncertain rights of property, 231-233. Indians in general, characteristics of, 253-264; languuge of, 244-253; natural and inevitable antagonism between them and the whites, 353-3711; the part of civilization that was poisonous to them, 371-374. Indian Wars of the Territorial Period, finances of, 182-190. Ingalls, General Bufus, 227. Jack, Captain, and the Modocs, 367. Japanese sailors, rescue of, 307-308. JESUP, THOMAS S., .Letter of, on the probable difficulty of making an es- tablishment at the mouth of the Columbia River, 290-294. Joseph, Chief, the Nez Perce, 367. Joset, Father, 226. Kamiakin, 368. Kanesville, 285-287. Kelley, Hall Jackson, bibliography of, by FRED WILBUR POWELL, 375-386. Legislation, Oregon, noteworthy, 79-80. Library, territorial, 141-143. Lincoln, letter of, to Simeon Francis, 1860 (doc.), 76-77. McGillivray, Napoleon, 227. McLoughlin, Dr. John, the Father of Oregon, by Frederick V. Holman, re- viewed, 407. McLoughlin, Dr. John, 221 ; letter of, to the Oregon Statesman June 8, 1852 (doc.), 29.5-299; estimate of, 303; early life, 303-304 ; autocrat of the Oregon country, 304-306; rescues Japanese sailors, 307-308 ; latter days of, 310-311 ; religion of, 3L1-313 ; reputation of, 313-315 ; character of, 315-316. Mail routes and rates in Oregon and Washington in the fifties, 191-194. Marshall, Principal William I., bio- graphical note on death of, 81. Maxon, Silas D., 227. Meacham, A. B. 243-244. Meany, Edmond S., "Vancouver's Dis- covery of Puget Sound," noted, 80; reviewed. 300-301. Military Posts in Oregon and Washing- ton in the fifties, 194-195. "Miller, Samuel Freeman," by Charles Noble Gregory, reviewed, 406-407. Minto, John, on forestry in Morning Oregon ian, 80-81. Mission, what constituted, 227-228. Mormon Settlements in the Missouri Valley, The, by CLYDE B. AITCHI- SON, 275-289. Munger, Asahel and Eliza, Diary of (doc.), 387-405. Nesmith, James W., a note of explana- tion of an expression in prefatory note to diary of, 84. Nesqually, mission at, 221. Newell, Dr. Robert, an employee of the American Fur Company, 1839, 395. Oblate fathers, 222. Ogden, Mr., 220. Omahas, 279. Oregon Conditions in the Fifties, Notes from a Government Document on, by THOMAS W. PROSCH, 191-200. Oregon, State Agricultural Society, The History of the Organization of, by GEORGE H. HIMES, 317-352. Oregon superintendents of Indian af- fairs, 234-244. Oregon's deficient faith in the progres- sive nature of the Indian, 234. O. S. N. Company, accommodations of, for trip up the Columbia, 1862, 6. Oregon City, the site of the first state fair, 342-351. Oregon City Argus quoted, 350-351. Oregon Farmer quoted, 325, 332 333, 335. Oregon Statesman quoted, 317-318. Palmer, Joel, 236-243. Penitentiary, territorial, 143-146. Petrain, Mary, 22t>. Peu-peu-mox-mox, 308-309. Pickett, Geo. E., letter of, to Reuben F. Maury, 1861, (doc.) 77-78. Pinto, Mr., 8-9. Placide, Antoine, 6-7. Pottawattamies, 279-280. POWELL, FRED WILBUR, Bibliography of Hall, Jackson Kelley, 374-386. Pratt, Judge O. C., 267. Proulx, Mary, 226. Rector, William H., 1-3. Revenues, the expenditure of them, 164-174 ; the levying and collection of them, 174-182. Rochon, August, 226. ROBERTSON, JAMES R., (R) Gilbert's " Trade and Currency in Early Ore- gon," 408-409. Rowland, Dr., appointed Agency phy- sician, 9. St. Germain, 226. St. James, the mission of, 220, 224, 228. Salem, State fair located at, 352. Sarpy, 277-279. School, the common, fund, 155-160. School, the first in the Oregon Country, 306-307. Skinner, Eugene F., 266-267. Smith, John J., 227. Smith, Joseph, 277. Soldier of the Oregon Frontier, A, by WILL J. TRIMBLE, 42-59. Stage ride from Salem to Oregon City, 1862, 5-6. State House, territorial, 147-150. "Steel Points," 406. Stensgair, John, 227. Steptoe, defeat of due to inferiority of soldiers' arms, 45. Stevens, Governor I. I., 224, 368. Stickas, Indian of high character, 112- 113, 368. Surveys and public lands in Oregon in tha fifties, 194-200. Teal, Dr., 6, 7, 8, 9.