Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/96

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88 ACCESSIONS. posited in the Bureau of Bolls and Library of the Department of State. Vol. I. Washington: Department of State, 1894. Eoyal 8vo, Cloth, 385 pp. - Vol. II, 897 pp. - Vol. Ill, with special index, 904 pp. Public Buildings under the Control of the Treasury Department, (Exclusive of Marine Hospitals and Quarantine Stations), History of. Dec'ember 24, 1900. Illus. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Eoyal 8vo, 648 pp. Library of Congress, Division of Manuscripts. A Calendar of Washington Manuscripts in the Library of Congress. Compiled under the Direction of Herbert Friedenwald, Ph. D. Washington: Govern- ment Printing Office, 1901. 8vo, Cloth, 315 pp. Eeport of Librarian for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1902. 8vo, Cloth, 228 pp. - Eeport of Librarian for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1903. 8vo, Cloth, 600 pp. Expedition down the Zuni and Colorado Eivers, Eeport of an. By Captain L. Sitgreaves, Corps Topographical Engineers. Maps, Sketches, Views, and Illustrations. Washington: Eobert Armstrong, Public Printer. 8vo, Cloth, 200 pp. Bible. American Bible Society Edition of 1846. Brought across the plains to Oregon in 1847 by Charles Hubbard, after whom the town of Hubbard, Oregon, was named, he having taken a Donation Claim there. (Contains autograph of Mr. Hubbard.) (Presented by his widow, Mrs. Mary Cook Hubbard, Dallas, Oregon.) Pioneer Days of Oregon History. By S. A. Clarke. Two Volumes. Illus. Portland: J. K. Gill Company, 1905. 8vo, Cloth 729 pp. Pioneer Eeminiscences of Puget Sound; The Tragedy of Leschi. From Personal Observations during Fifty Years Eesidence, Contem- porary Pioneer Eeminiscences and other Authentic Sources. Ulus. By Ezra Meeker, Seattle, Wash. Seattle: Lowman & Hanford Stationery and Printing Company, 1905. 8vo, Cloth, 554 pp. New York Historical Society. Collections, 1902. Abstracts of Will. Vol. I 1665-1787. New York, 1893. 8vo, Cloth, 520 pp. Vol II, 1708-1728, with appendix. 525 pp. Vol. Ill, Deane Papers, 1778-1779. 490 pp. Vol IV, Deane Papers, 1779-1781. 561 pp. Vol. V, Deane Papers, 1782-1790. 692 pp. Muster Eolls, 1755-1764. 621 pp.