Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/99

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ACCESSIONS. 91 - Part V continued. 1897. 757 pp. - 19th Annual Keport. 1898. Part VI. 651 pp. - Part VI continued. - 20th Annual Eeport. Part VI 1898-99. 616 pp. - Part VI continued. 1898-99. 804 pp. Unired States Geological Survey, Fifth Annual Eeport, to Secre- tary of the Interior, 1883-1884. By J. W. Powell, Director. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office, 1885. 8vo, Cloth, 469 pp. Maps, plates, engravings. Oregon, Souvenir of. Issued by the Oregon and Washington Division of the Travelers' Protective Association of America, for distribution at the National Convention of that body held in Portland, June 3-7, 1902. Portland: Press of Irwin-Hodson & Co., 1902. Illus. Quarto, Cloth, 113 pp. (Two copies.) Bureau of Ethnology. Ninth Annual Eeport, to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1887-1888. By J. W. Powell, Director. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1892. Illus. Maps. 8vo, Cloth, 617 pp. Twenty-Third Annual Eeport. 1901-1902. Ulus. 8vo, Cloth, 634 pp. Illustrated History of the World, The. By James D. McCabe. 8vo, Cloth, 1260 pp. (Presented by Mrs. L. A. Bozorth, Vancouver, Wash.) Cape Gray's Company; or, Crossing the Plains and Living in Oregon. By Mrs. Abigail J. Duniway. Portland, Oregon: Printed and Published by S. J. McCormick, 1859. 12mo, Cloth, 342 pp. General Laws of Oregon, passed by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory at the Second Session at Oregon City, begun December 2, 1850. Oregon City: Asahel Bush, Territorial Printer, 1851. 8vo, Full sheep, 301 pp. (Autograph of "G. E. Cole, Benton Co., O. T." on flyleaf. Conductor Generalis: or the Office, Duty and Authority of Justices of the Peace, High-Sheriffs, Under-Sheriffs, Coroners, Constables, Goalers, Jury-Men, and Overseers of the Poor. As also the Office of Clerks of Assizes and of the Peace, &c. To which are added, Several Maxims in Law, &c. Compiled chiefly from Burn's Justice, and several books on thos-e subjects. By James Parker, Esquire, late Justice of the Peace in Middlesex County, New Jersey. New York: Printed by John Patterson, for Eobert Hodge, No. 237 Queen Street, 1788. 8vo, Full calf, 539 pp.