Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/231

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The Peter Skene Ogden Journals.

happy. A roving life suits them. They would regard it as a punishment to be sent to Canada. God grant some kind friend to succeed me, and I wd. steer my course from whence I came although I am a Canadian.

Thursday, 22 March.

Reached a fine large river having crossed the mtns.[1] where we had to throw our horses over banks—storm of wind and rain saturated us—course W. Our guide went to visit the Indians and returned with the information the Umpqua chief with the trappers from Williamette has visited this region and taken all the beaver. These waters have no communication with Umpqua but discharge in Clammitte. Gervais with 4 men will trap the forks of this river, and open a way to Ft. Vancouver.

Monday, 26 March.

The Indian guide saw a grizzly bear of large size, wh. the trappers fired at and wounded. The Indian requested the loan of a small axe with bow and arrows. Stripping himself naked, he rushed on the bear but paid dearly for his rashness. I do not suppose he will recover. He was injured in the head and lost one eye wh. was literally torn out. The bear remained in the bushes.

April 6.

Retraced our crossing the Sasty River.

Sat. 7th April.

We shall proceed slowly to Clammitte Lake and await Mr. McKay's party. Sunday, 22nd April. Late this afternoon I was surprised by Mr. McKay's arrival. He left his party crossing over their furs. His success amounts to 735 beaver and otter taken on 2 small streams that discharged in Clammitte River. My returns now amount to 2230 beaver and otter. McKay's party were obliged to kill their horses owing to their feet.

  1. Probably the Siskiyou divide to the waters of the Rogue river valley.