Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/416

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386 Peter Skene Ogden Journal. 1828-1829 vinced we war only on the beaver. They annoy us and have stolen 2 traps. By following us they make the beaver very wild. Thursday 20th Nov. Again 6o beaver to skin and dress. I wish the same cause may often detain us. Recovered one trap. 300 Indians around our camp : very peacable. This river takes a southern course. Saturday 22nd. 52 beaver; the river still fine; dead water and willows in abundance : gale of wind from the south and appearances of rain. Sunday 23rd. Rain: three Snake Indians arrived and informed us they were from the Twin Falls 1 of the Snakes and that 2 mos. since 6 Americans had been killed there, by the Snake camp. I am confident it is not Payette's Party, as they were not to go in that direction. Course south, mountains visible in all direc- tions. We need 200 to complete our 1st thousand beaver. Tuesday 25th Nov. stormy night: 2 inches of snow. Bad weather and the ar- rival of one of the trappers late last night dangerously ill prevented us raising camp. This poor man stands but a slight chance of recovery. Wednesday Aug 26th. The sick man dangerously ill. On requesting if we could raise camp he replied he could not move and requested us as an act of charity to end his sufferings by throwing him in the river. I am not of opinion he will recover. Yet he may linger for days. Saturday 29th. Trappers started at dawn of day. I wish it was in my power to follow them but the sick man cannot stir. 1 Twin Falls is a more prominent locality now than then.