Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/428

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The following is the text of a letter that was written by Peter Skeen Ogden to Rev. Elkanah Walker just subsequent to Ogden's effecting the rescue of the survivors of the Whitman Mission massacre. The original is in the possession of Mr. S. T. Walker, who kindly made the copy for publication :

Nez Perce, Dec. 31, 1847.

Rev. E. Walker,

My Dear Sir: —

Mr. Stanley has promised you a recital of the melancholy massacre of the worthy Doctor his wife and nearly all of the inmates of the Mission. Receiving this account at Vancouver and that many unfortunate Individuals were still surviving the following day I started with 16 men and reached there on the 12 inst and since that period have been employed in rescu- ing the Captives and have succeeded in securing all that were taken prisoners and shall now take my departure for Van- couver in effecting this humane object I have endured many an anxious time and for the last two nights have not closed my eyes but thanks to the Almighty I have succeeded during the captivity of the Prisoners they have suffered every indig- nity but fortunately now all are provided with food. I have been enabled to effect this object without compromising myself or others and it now remains with the American Govt to take what measures they may most beneficial to sustain to sustain tranquility to this part of the Country and this I apprehend cannot be finally effected without blood being made to flow freely. So as not to compromise either party I have made a heavy sacrifice of goods but these are of indeed trifling value compared to the unfortunate beings I have rescued from the hands of these murderous wretches and I feel truly happy but let this suffice for the present.

On my arrival at the Dalles Mr. Hindman's (Alanson Hin- man — S. T. W.) mission the previous day had been plundered of four Horses in open day and in the presence of all the In- mates of Mission and on consulting me on the propriety of re-