Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/453

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INDEX TO VOL. XI A Adventure, spirit of, as a motive in set- tlement of Oregon, 327. American government, remissness of, in concern for Oregon, 335-6. American self-government in Oregon, 333-354- Astoria Centennial, historical _ society moves to co-operate in observing this anniversary, 313. Authority, the keynote of British rule in Pacific Northwest, 333-5. B Bailey, Dr. W. J., 22-3. Baker County, 50. Baker, Colonel E. D., 50. Benton County, 30-1. Bounty bond issue, 403-7. c Champooick District, 20-4. Character of Oregon colonists, 329-331. Clackamas District, 16-20. Clatsop District, 25-8. Columbia County, 41-2. Community interest in state lands, no conception of, 127-8. Construction of state constitution, 84- 92. Coos County, 38-9. Counties, boundaries of, 65-81. Counties, early, had natural boundaries, 2- 3. Counties of Oregon, History of the, 1-81. Counties, Oregon, now in Washington, 3- 6-. Counties, original four districts in, 8-10. Crook County, 56-7. Crook, Major-General George, 57. D Delegate to Washington, 344-5- De Smet, John Minto's meeting with in 1844, 177-8. Domains, Oregon's as a whole, 122-5. Douglas County, 34-5. E Economic motives in settlement of Ore- gon, 324-5. Emigrants to Oregon, circular of in- formation to prospective, 307-312. Evangelization of native races as a factor in settlement of Orgon, 326. Exposition, Western, extract from on Oregon and California, 308-312. F Financial History of Oregon — The Sale of Oregon Lands, 121-161; Pub- lic Expenditures, 286-306; the use of Public Credit by the State of Ore- gon, 401-418,. G Geographic isolation as affecting polit- ical beginnings of Oregon, 323-4. Gilliam, Colonel Cornelius, 58. Gilliam County, 58. Grant County, 52-3. H Harney County, 62-3. Harney, Major-General William Sel- BY, 62-3. Hill, David, for whom Hillsboro was named, 32. Hood River County, 64-5. I Independence, attitude of, among West- ern Americans, 345-8. Indian war bonds, 410-41 1. Industry, two systems of, in competi- tion in early Oregon, 331-2. Internal improvement indebtedness, 413-6. J Jackson County, 35-6. Josephine County, 50. K Klamath, the source of the name, 202. Klamath County, 54-6. L Lake County, 54. Land laws, features of early, 134-5. Land officials, 136-8. Land policy of Oregon, controlling idea in, 125-7; conditions peculiar to early Oregon affecting, 128-130; dominant influence of national policy upon, 131- 2; two periods in, 133; a final word upon, 1 60- 1.