Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/77

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History of the Counties of Oregon 7i Grant County. "All that portion of Wasco and Umatilla counties embraced within the following lines, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the forty-second parallel of north latitude, crossed by the one hundred and twentieth line of longitude west, thence north along said line to the forty-fifth parallel of north latitude, thence east along said parallel to the one hundredth and eight- eenth line of west longitude, thence south along said line to the forty-second parallel of north latitude, thence west along said parallel to the place of beginning." (Special Laws of 1864, page 43). Harney County. "All that portion of Grant county lying south of the fol- lowing described line be and the same hereby is created and organized into a separate county by the name of Harney, viz. : Beginning at a point where the west line of Grant county crosses the township line between townships 18 and 19 in said county of Grant, and running thence east on said town- ship line to the west line of the old Malheur Indian reserva- tion in said county of Grant ; thence north following the west line of said Indian reservation six miles; thence east to the east line of Grant county." (General Laws of 1889, page 47)- Hood River County. "Beginning at a point in the middle of the channel of the Columbia river opposite the meander corner between sections three and four, township two north, range eleven east of Willamette Meridian, then running south along the section line between sections three and four and said line extended to a point on the base line at the southeast corner of section thirty-three, in township one north, range eleven east, Willam- ette Meridian, thence west along said base line to the north- east corner of township one south, range ten east of Willamette