Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 12.djvu/247

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POLITICAL PARTIES IN OREGON 239 the same extent and upon the same subject, without impair- ing their standing as Democrats." 1 But by the time the state convention assembled, the prestige of the Administration made itself felt, with the result of the aforementioned endorsement of Buchanan and his policies. As the campaign progressed the support of President Buchanan became more and more cordial and pronounced. Douglas was completely deserted. The Lane county Democrats, not content with a general hearty endorse- ment of the administration of "our present patriotic and dis- tinguished Chief Magistrate," singled out for special com- mendation, "that policy pertaining to the admission of Kansas." But before the end of the year Oregon Democracy began to experience a change of heart. Dryer wrote from Salem in December, when the last Territorial legislature was in ses- sion, that those who had been loudest in denouncing Douglas and lauding Buchanan were now pronouncing eulogies upon the former and "cursing both loud and deep Old Buck as a humbug and knave." He attributed the sudden conversion solely and entirely to the Illinois election, which had "pro- duced a change almost equal to that of Pentecost." Dryer proceeded with a picturesque characterization of the Oregon Democracy 2 and also predicted the open break between Bush and Lane which occurred that very month. Though a state constitution had been adopted, state officers elected, a state legislature held, United States Senators chosen and the new Governor inaugurated, Oregon remained a Ter- ritory. Lane advised the people of Oregon to proceed under the auspices of the state government just as though Congress had admitted the Territory as a state. He recommended the holding of the regular session of the state legislature in Sep- tember in accordance with the schedule of the Constitution. Such semi-defiant procedure was vigorously opposed by the Statesman. The assembly-elect followed the lead of Bush i Proceedings, in Statesman, March 16. 2"Democracy in Oregon means devotion to the personal interests of Asahel Bush. ... It means that you must relish the egotism as well as the Toryism of D y [Deady] and commend the recreancy of B E [Boise] the Massa- chusetts Whig and laugh immoderately at the obscenity of "Nes" [Nesmith] and down on your belly at their bidding where you must crawl, meekly looking up and eating any quantity of dirt that is set before you." Oregonian, Dec. 18.