Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 12.djvu/309

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THE QUARTERLY of the Oregon Historical Society VOLUME XII DECEMBER 191! NUMBER 4 Copyright, 1 911 , by Oregon HUtorical Society The Quarterly disavows responsibility for the positions taken by contributors to its pages THE RISE AND EARLY HISTORY OF POLITICAL PARTIES IN OREGON V By Walter Carleton Woodward Chapter X THE POLITICAL REVOLUTION OF I860 While now increasing rapidly in numbers and influence, as strikingly demonstrated in the election of 1859, Oregon Re- publicans felt the need of a capable leader to champion their cause. They had several men of much ability, but few if any of them were fluent, convincing speakers who could contend creditably with such a masterful orator as Delazon Smith or even with such effective speakers as Judge Willams, Lane and a number of other Democrats. And in a day when political oratory was so important a factor in moulding public senti- ment, the handicap suffered by the Republicans was very serious, indeed. Logan ranked with these men, but he was not sound morally, and he was not able to inspire confidence in his sincerity in, and devotion to, the principles for which he was supposed to stand. Years of association together of the prominent Republicans in Oregon politics, breeding the in- evitable rivalries and jealousies, made, it well nigh impossible that any Oregon Republican of ordinary ability should be ac- corded that generous allegiance so necessary to success. As early as in the spring of 1858 it had been suggested at an informal conference of Republican leaders, that an invitation be sent to Col. E. D. Baker, of California, to come to Ore-