Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 12.djvu/314

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306 W. C. WOODWAKD with either Democratic wing". "I cannot see how it is possible the Republicans can with any consistency or without doing violence to their principles and forfeiting their self-respect, lend themselves to the base and dirty purposes of one faction of this corrupt party to help the other." He maintained that the Republican party was a party of principle, not price. Nevertheless, there was a logical basis for an alliance be- tween Republicans and Douglas men, and despite all protesta- tions to the contrary, there was a certain unity of procedure between them. For example, in Marion county, the Douglas men or "Bushites" as they were termed by their Democratic opponents, nominated a legislative ticket and the Lane men did likewise. When the Republicans met in convention, they were advised by Baker not to nominate candidates but to sup- port the Bush ticket. On arriving at a private understanding with the Douglas legislative nominees that they would sup- port Baker for senator, Baker's advice was followed. 1 And this in the face of the fact that the Republicans were probably strong enough in Marion county to have elected their ticket. On the other hand in Washington and Yamhill counties, the anti-Lane Democrats did not nominate candidates, but sup- ported for the most part those of the Republicans. A similar understanding, for the most part unconfessed, seemed to exist over the state. But the most difficult and cleverly managed compromise be- tween the Republicans and Douglas Democrats, and one which had the most far-reaching influence on the political events of the near future, was effected in Linn county, the home of the radical Democratic champion, "Delusion" Smith. In fact it proved the key to the situation. The facts were given the writer by a leading participant in the intrigue. 2 In March, Judge Williams, who was one of the Douglas candidates for senator, went to the Linn county residence of Smith and said to him: "Delazon, I have come here to beard the lion in his den. I am going to canvass Linn county and my object is to 1 Davenport, pp. 347-351- 2 Personal interview with W. R. Bishop.