Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 12.djvu/320

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312 W. C. WOODWARD Coast, to further which, the Coast Democrats were to aid the South in dissolving the Union. Not having actually withdrawn from the Charleston Con- vention, the Oregon delegation, headed by I. I. Stevens, ap- peared at the adjourned convention at Baltimore. Soon, how- ever, according to the reported proceedings, 1 "Mr. Stevens of Washington Territory, in appropriate remarks, announced the withdrawal of the delegation from Oregon from the conven- tion." The Oregon delegates entered the seceders' convention, which had likewise adjourned to Baltimore, and took part in the nomination of Breckinridge. An Oregon man was made one of the secretaries of the convention. 2 Little information is to be had as to the strength of the sentiment for Lane either at Charleston or Baltimore, or as to the motives of the Demo- cratic politicians in putting him forward at all. Amid the excitement and confusion arising from the great schism in the party, for once interest in men was overshadowed by interest in issues, and even the public press contained comparatively little of political gossip or comment of a personal nature. About all that the papers had to say of the vice presidential nominee with Breckinridge, as reported in the Oregon press, was found in the following paragraph of the proceedings : 3 "Mr. Greene of North Carolina nominated Joseph Lane of Oregon for vice president. Mr. Scott of California seconded the nomination with appropriate remarks. Mr. Adkins of Tennessee moved that Mr. Lane be nominated by acclamation. (Cries of No, No, No!) The roll was called on the first ballot the whole 105 votes were cast for Joe Lane and he was declared nominated for vice president amidst deafening ap- plause." It is interesting to note that the head of the Oregon delega- tion at Baltimore, Gov. Stevens, was made chairman of the 1 In Statesman, July 24 and Union, July 30. 2 H. R. Crosbie, whose name appeared as Crotsney in the dispatches. Crosbie had taken Metcalf's place on the delegation. According to the Statesman, Sept. it, he never was a resident of Oregon. Bush said he came out as a hanger-on to Gov. Davis, went to Wash. Ty. and then back to Washington. D. C., where Lane picked him up, put him on his "Oregon Delegation" ana sent him "out to stand." 3 Union, July 30,