Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 12.djvu/357

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POLITICAL PARTIES IN OREGON 349 the above mentioned secession members,) with a few scatter- ing votes. 1 The tenth ballot Harding 12, Williams 12, Pearne 10, Jesse Applegate 10, scattering 5 ; the sixteenth Harding 15, Jacobs 23, Williams 5, Whiteaker 3. This put Jacobs, a radical Republican, within three votes of the required major- ity. A motion to adjourn till the following day was carried by a majority of one, amid "considerable excitement." On the thirtieth ballot Harding was elected, receiving 28 votes. H. W. Corbett was his principal opponent at the last, representing the Republican element of the legislature. However, Harding received some Republican votes, including that of J. R. Mc- Bride. In commenting upon the result, the Oregonian, 2 while claim- ing that Harding was not the choice of a large, portion of the citizens, acknowledged that he was a good Union man, which was the only qualification necessary. In view of the fact that many Republicans claimed, that as a matter of courtesy the vacancy occasioned by Senator Baker's death should have been filled by a man of the same party, the Oregonian held that the election of Harding fully demonstrated the sincerity of the Republican members in their professions of love for the Union party, especially as they could have elected a radical member of their own party had they united for that purpose. The election was cheerfully acquiesced in by the Argus, without ifs or ands. 3 Deady summed up the situation publicly as follows : "Between them (Harding, Williams and Pearne) there is not much political difference, each running as an unconditional Union man. Harding is of Salem and the other two from Portland and much of the real rivalry was between those places; and Salem, with the aid of her reliable friends, the surrounding 'cow counties,' as usual, triumphed. "4 Privately, Deady said the election was a "steady-going, quiet affair," ex- plaining that there were no wits nor wags in the assembly and 1 Statesman, Sep. 22. 2 Oregonian, Sep. 20. 3 Argus, Sep. 20. 4 Correspondence, Sep. 15, to San Francisco Bulletin.