Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 12.djvu/76

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68 ' W. C WOODWARD comparative concert and intelligence. In but one county, that of Washington, did they effect thorough organization and put out a distinctly American ticket. In 1856 and again in 1857 Washington county persisted in running American tickets though the movement was dead in Oregon after 1855. 1 Yet, strangely enough, perhaps because of the very absence of public organization, the Democratic fire was centered on Know Nothingism. Shortly after the election of 1854 the Territorial Temper- ance Association met at Albany, and its members resolved that though badly defeated they were far from discouraged and would re-enter the contest with renewed vigor. 2 The question of prohibition in Oregon continued to be agitated, efforts at organization were made and the temperance movement was still a factor to be reckoned with. Clatsop county held on May 1, a Temperance League Convention and invited atten- tion to a complete ticket, "independent of the old corrupt and partially defunct Whig and Democratic parties." The move- ment was sufficiently formidable to excite Durhamite spleen. At the opening of the legislative session of '54-'55 a resolution was introduced inviting the ministers of the different denomi- nations to open the deliberations each morning with prayer. A Durhamite member, Crandall of Marion, moved to amend by adding: "Except such ministers as are known to be in favor of the enactment of a Maine liquor law !" And the amendment was but narrowly defeated, by a vote of 14 to II. 3 In accordance with the call issued by the Territorial com- mittee the Whigs met at Corvallis, April 18, to nominate a delegate to Congress. 4 Lane had been triumphantly re-nomi- nated by the Democrats the week before at Salem. This was the first and last Territorial Whig convention to be held in Oregon. 5 On the first ballot, Ex-Governor Gaines received iGregonian, April 19, 1856 and April 4, 1857. 2Statesman, June 20, 1854. 3Oregonian, December 16, 1854. 4Oregonian, April 21, 1855. sThe counties represented, with the number of delegates allowed, will give an idea as to Whig strength over the Territory: Umpqua 3, Lane 4, Marion 8, Benton 5, Polk 6, Yamhill 6, Washington 4, Clackamas 8, Multnomah 5, Linn 8. The Jackson delegation arrived late. Wasco, Columbia, Clatsop and Douglas counties were represented in the convention by proxies.