Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 13.djvu/144

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136 FREDERICK V. HOLM AN 5,000. That of 1848 was few in numbers as most of the over- land immigrants went to California on account of the discovery of gold there. Among the early acts of Governor Lane's administration was the taking of a census of all, except Indians, in Oregon Territory. It showed the following population in 1849 : Total population 9,083, of whom 8,785 were American citizens and 298 foreigners. There were 5,410 males and 3,673 females. In the counties of Vancouver and Lewis, being all of Oregon north of the Columbia River, the total population was 304, of whom 189 were American citizens and 115 foreigners. (Evans' "History of the Pacific Northwest," Vol. 1, page 305). I have been unable to ascertain, whether there was included in this census, men whose homes were in Oregon, who had gone to the mines in California. A large part of the male population of Oregon was then at the mines. Probably the absentees were counted, as their homes were in Oregon. THE WHITMAN MASSACRE. The Whitman massacre began November 29, 1847. I shall not, in this address, go into the horrible, details of that event. It resulted in what is known as the Cayuse war. It was the first Indian war on the Pacific Coast, north of Mexico. All wars in the Oregon Country, previous to that time, had been prevented through the influence and power of Dr. McLoughlin. This war was fought by volunteers from the Willamette Val- ley and without aid or assistance from the United States. It was carried on by the Oregon Provisional Government. There were no regular troops in Oregon until May, 1849. The Cayuse war aroused Congress to see the necessity of a territorial government for Oregon. The Act for the establish- ment of Oregon Territory passed Congress and became a law August 14, 1848. March 2, 1849, General Joseph Lane, Ore- gon's first territorial governor, arrived at Oregon City. March 3, 1849, he issued his proclamation assuming charge as Gov- ernor of the Territory of Oregon. The Provisional Government thus ended. Shortly afterwards the Territory of Oregon was